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hatch (DayZ)

Have primary and secondary guns, can't pick up hatch to toolbelt - always lose 2nd gun

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So I originally had one gun a G36K CAMO and then I picked up a Hatch which I carried as my secondary,


Later I picked up an AKM which I switched to my secondary and kept the hatch on toolbelt.


I was trying to rearrange inventory and now I am stuck, I can either carry both guns in primary and secondary slots with no hatchet or when I try to add hatchet it defaults straight to secondary position thus dropping 2nd gun.


Tried to add to toolbelt then repickup, drop hatchet, drop gun blah blah. Nothing works.

any ideas?

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Have enough room in your back pack to shift out your second primary. No other way around it.

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Must have been a glitch then as for a time I had two weapons in primary and secondary slots, as well as a hand gun.

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Must have been a glitch then as for a time I had two weapons in primary and secondary slots, as well as a hand gun.


Secondary usually refers to your hand gun.

The holding slot is the weapon/item your holding and the one below it is what you are also carrying on your person.

Cant say I have tried holding and carrying two non melee weapons (maybe it is possible, a glitch or your not playing vanilla).

Whatever the case, you'd still need to drop or move one to your pack to let you remove your hatchet from the tool belt.

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The hatchet takes the place of your primary weapon.

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Sorry meant two guns - one as primary one on back.


Apparently it is both a glitch (see video) and some servers allow it.




Btw - playing Dayz vanilla.


Secondary usually refers to your hand gun.
The holding slot is the weapon/item your holding and the one below it is what you are also carrying on your person.

Cant say I have tried holding and carrying two non melee weapons (maybe it is possible, a glitch or your not playing vanilla).
Whatever the case, you'd still need to drop or move one to your pack to let you remove your hatchet from the tool belt.

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I've never seen anyone with a primary gun in their hands and a primary gun on their back nor have I seen anyone with two primary weapons.

Edited by BetterDeadThanZed

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