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banjo (DayZ)

hostility towards new members

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why does being new to a forum seem to get used as an insult so often on here?


as an example here is a thread devoted to bashing a new member




here is one of that new members topics, a story he wrote about his experiences playing as a bandit, he posted in the correct section, there is no inflammatory language yet look at the reactions from some older members




here is a quote from that topic aimed at another new member, the emphasis on the word new was added by the troll who wrote it.

'Multi Quote of the FUCKING YEAR

You are obliviously NEW here.............. but thanks for sharing'


I'm not trying to fight this guys battles, as he shows in the linked thread he fights his own battles very well indeed and easily destroys one troll.

surely this forums main role is to offer help and support to new players, which it does excellently, it is only a handful of members who act like this, I was just wondering why they do it?

Edited by banjo
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Some people actually believe that having a higher post count makes them superior to new members. it's quite pathetic.

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The reason that I vent from time to time on these forums isn't because a member has less posts, or because they've only been on the forums for a week.


It's because I've just read a post/topic that has brought nothing new to the forums, or revolves around wild speculation and generally annoying content related to the Standalone.


Never agreed with the whole "STFU YOU'VE ONLY GOT 20 POSTS" attitude some people have displayed before.

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LHE is a talented writer, i thoroughly enjoy his posts.


but this isnt answering your question. why a are people hostile towards new members? i think its a deep human thing. established members of a community identify thermselves with, and draw entitlement from it - denying participation to new members. the same reason why members of a country built upon immigration can act hostile towards immigrants.


bottom line: people are asshats. not all, but some are. the art of living happy is ignoring the asshats in your life, and cherishing the great experiences.


EDIT: btw, post count is for pussies. post/bean ratio is where its at, baby!

Edited by e47
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Please don't start this sort of "Topic" that always results in trouble.
Show an example and treat new members as if they are,,,, new.


They don't know all the ins & outs like some so called "vets".



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