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2 Computers - Same gear? Same location?

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Hello everybody,

First i want to say that I love this Mod! I would pay for it!;)

Second: I have two Computers in two different cities and now I need to know if I will get all me stuff when I'am logging in on my second computer for the first time or is everything saved on my HDD?:huh:

Thanks for the answers.


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I dunno if it saves to your CD key like the whole gender picking is ment to

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If it's installed with Steam there shouldn't be any problem.

I don't know about the retail version

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Steam works fine for me. On my Laptop i got Arma2Free(Steam) and OA from Steam, on my Desktop Arma2(Retail) and the OA from Steam, i got on both the same Char when im logging in.


Your Char isnt saved local, DayZ got a central Database in the backend. If you installed the same CD Key on both locations it shuld be work

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Regardless of how it is installed, if you are using the same CD key you will have the same DayZ character.

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