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DayZ newblet (need help) :(

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I have bought dayZ a while ago somewhere around September 2012. Anyway i haven't played that much of it around 80 hours(which surprised me didn't think i played that much), and recently my friends told me to play day z with them. So i open up and try to join the server they are on. Gives me a message saying "You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin ban (2 random codes of some sort)) Maybe it was just that server. so i tried to join other servers and the same message. Alright time to scroll through the forums. there is nothing on an admin ban that continues on every server. (maybe there was i just couldnt find it)

So im wondering what happened

I have never hacked or cheating

I saw stuff on downloading shady stuff, i have never downloaded anything i wasn't sure of

could it be some old ban?

Anyways some info and other comments would be helpful (:

Edited by ShampooMyBalls

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Quick note. Days is free? Its a mod for arms 2...

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I'm kind of suspicious. With all the 1 post accounts that have an account with hacks...

I'll see if I can help you out, though.

because i'm nice c:

You must've downloaded something for that to happen, as BE, no matter how bad it is at its job, doesn't generally random ban. 

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Yeah, there are three options here:


Either you've downloaded something that's stolen your key and someone else has then used it and got banned




You bought your key from a less than reputable source that reuses keys and/or buys/sells stolen keys and someone else with the same key has gotten themselves banned




You're not telling the truth, you tried to hack 'just once, just to see what it was like/if it worked' and you got banned for it. Not accusing you of anything, just saying that this isn't the first time someone's joined here claiming they did nothing wrong. ;)


Whichever option it is, there's nothing we can do to help you here. You need to contact Battleye themselves - all the details are in the sticky at the top of this section.

Edited by Target Practice
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If its an Admin ban then you could be on a community ban list. this is basically an unofficial shared ban list between a group of servers, 


Only thing you can do is contact the admin of one of the servers and see if they can give you more info on which ban list they are using so you can appeal your ban.


Or just keep trying different servers until you find ones that are not using the ban list.


Might help if you let us know which servers/mod varient you were trying to join.


Also, get a screenshot of the ban message.

Edited by Fluxley

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ok mr shampoomyballs if its only a admin ban u can still play the game just keep trying servers

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Admin Ban's are generally community bans. You might of been put into a global list that Administrators of DayZ Servers use.


Please screenshot the error. (You can do this with Steam, or Fraps, or Puush.)

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