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DayZed Mod is based on DayZ Mod by Dean 'rocket' Hall and It aims to be more unforgiving, balanced and harder, while including new features such as items, skins, actions, weapons, loot, map additions and more.
DayZed uses the Reality Hive by thevisad - originaly Bliss Hive by ayan4m1.
The goal of this fork i to provide an experience that's very close to the original DayZ but also providing players with much more complex and harder expirience.
Repairing vehicles, eating, drinking, chooping wood or setting up fireplaces has more to it, then a scroll and click in the action menu.

The goal of this version is to eliminate bugs that escaped durring closed tests.
We strongly count on you guys to help ous out with all of them. This is crucial to the future of the mod's development and it's direction.
For the time beeing Side-Chat is on to help us communicate better with all of the players. All kids who will constantly abuse it, will successfully be banned from all future instances of the mod.

Info for First Person Only fans (FPP): The second instance will be setup in the next patch. We currently don't have that much human/time resources.

Spread the word! wink.gif

DAYZED.EU - DE1 (DayZed 0.2.1/103718) [uTC-1][3DP:ON] - http://DayZed.eu


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Looks good, will check it out soon,


Be prepared to take some flame from the fanboys though :P

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Sounds interesting. Gonna give it a try for sure. With my life expectancy I can't imagine how hRd ot' gonna be lol.

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DayZed 0.2.3 Release
Serwer will be updated at 00:00 GMT-1 00:00



  • Updated/Fixed loot table for Deer Stands
  • Updated/Fixed loot table for Supermarkets
  • New Item: First Aid Kit. Resores 3k blood, takes 16 second to apply.
  • Fixed some issues with 3d models
  • Fixed ammo classes for *_MP5 variants
  • New Crash Site class: MV22 (Medical)
  • Fixed filling up Water Bottles with rain water
  • Fixed Chloroform issues
  • Fixed an exploit when you could eat/drink more then one item at a time
  • BAF_LRR_scoped_W has now a proper image in the inventory
  • Fixed some issues with tents not updating their inventory

last update: 12.11.2013

Edited by cyrq

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DayZed 0.2.7


Direct: http://zelenogorsk.dayzed.eu/@DayZed_0.2.7.7z
Steam Launcher: http://zelenogorsk.dayzed.eu/DayZed_Steam.bat

NonSteam Launcher: http://zelenogorsk.dayzed.eu/DayZed_Non_Steam.bat

  • New weapons: AK105, FN P90, Bushmaster ACR Black, Stechkin APS, USP, Desert Eagle
  • New sight: 1P29 used in AK105 and AK107
  • Added a second tent class: DomeTent
  • Fireplaces now light upon creation
  • Fixed description for UMP Fire modes (they ware overlapping the ammo count)
  • 2 New items: Bottle of Milk and Empty Milk Bottle
  • You can now milk Cows and Goats smiley.gif
  • Fixed login process - again...
  • Fixed server performance - again...
  • Code cleanup from Vanilla DayZ
  • 4 new skins from the Specnaz GRU Addon (see credits)
  • You can now search some of the objects in the world and find loot in it.
  • Added some furniture and objects to the world
  • Completely new object: Vending Machine
  • New MP5 SD ammo model
  • Lowered the amount of animals in the world
  • Fixed damage multipliers for HK UMP45 and HK UMP45 SD ammo
  • Corrected the removal action for Grenade Launcher/PSO Scope on AK107 (now also AK105)
  • Fixed tent placement problem (missing the "Complete Build' action)
  • Removed MedBoxes from hospitals
  • Lowered flight altitude on Chinook-CH47F (Heli Crash)
  • More loot table fixes and balancing

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DayZed 0.2.9 Release


  • [NEW] New logout system - allways a 30 sec timer. You can logout everywhare now (removed urban check)
  • [NEW] Improved InCombat system. Uses less resources and doesn't spawn bots when not needed.
  • [NEW] Random spawn on whole map at start (fresh spawn).
  • [NEW] Radio text messages. You can now send messages that only players with a Radio will see.
  • [NEW] Added blood splatter effect from Eagle Wing mission.
  • [NEW] Added Castle ruins to Black Mountain.
  • [NEW] Added new location near Tikhaya Bay.
  • [NEW] Added MedKits on walls at Zelenogorsk hospital.
  • [NEW] Added loot positions to Land_vez.
  • [NEW] New, more realistic repair and salvage animations.
  • [NEW] Chooping down a tree is now an animation. You need a Hatchet in hands. The Wood Pile now lands on the ground.
  • [NEW] New vehicle: modified two Gyrocopters from Auto Gyro by CSJ.
  • [NEW] New vehicle: BTR.
  • [NEW] New vehicle: Kamaz.
  • [NEW] New vehicle: SUV (Camo).
  • [NEW] New weapon. FAMAS F1 assault rifle.
  • [NEW] New weapon: M40A3 and M40A5 sniper rifle.
  • [NEW] New weapon: SVD Black.
  • [NEW] New item: Ghillie Rifle Rag Kit, based on retextured model of the clothing p3d.
  • [NEW] You can now modify M40A3 to M40A3 Ghilli and SVD Black to SVD Ghilli using the Ghillie Rifle Rag Kit.
  • [NEW] Added some new light effects at night.
  • [NEW] Reduced sun glare
  • [NEW] New color corrections.
  • [NEW] CfgFaces updated. Some new faces can be selected in the player setup menu
  • [NEW] New backpack: Medic Pack (20 slots)
  • [FIX] Added DayZed logo to the inventory screen.
  • [FIX] Fixed remaining error with "no entry" etc.
  • [FIX] Removed useless strings and leftovers from Vanilla.
  • [FIX] Removed Squad XML from the player list (performance)).
  • [FIX] Blood is now instantly regained after eating. Removed the stacking mechanics from Vanilla
  • [FIX] Repair Bike now properly saves the damage to the DB.
  • [FIX] Lowered zed agro distance by a bit..
  • [FIX] Fixed wrong descriptions on the KSK and Delta Force skins.
  • [FIX] Fixed repair and salvage mechanics.
  • [FIX] Fixed fully damage vehicles respawn after restart. Damage should now be properly stored in the DB.
  • [FIX] Fixed the issue with players position not saving when the Z hit should initially cause infection.
  • [FIX] Fixed the issue with player GUI not updating when the Z hit should initially cause infection.
  • [FIX] Slightly faster thirst and hunger drop.
  • [FIX] Slightly lowered Stamina values.
  • [FIX] Proper ammo models for Double-Barreled Shotgun (MR43).
  • [FIX] Added 100Rnd_762x54_PK ammo for Mi-17 to loot tables.
  • [FIX] Fixed loot spawning on Crash Site's.
  • [FIX] Fixed "Search" action formedkit in the Electro hospital.
  • [FIX] Fixed cutText's in combining mags action.
  • [FIX] Slightly balanced loot tables.
  • [FIX] Fixed Remove Rifle Suppressoraction for UMP SD.
  • [FIX] Proper position and land contact for Camouflage Net model when on ground.
  • [FIX] Modified the armor and other attributes (like GPS) for SUV/SUV (Camo)
  • [FIX] Fixed ItemDomeTent not spawning in loot tables.
  • [FIX] Proper item/vehicle/magazines descriptions.
  • [FIX] Modified almost all vehicles. New speeds, capacity, turning abilities and more.
  • [FIX] Fixed vectors, for objects that can be searched: closets, fridge's etc.
  • [DEL] Removed Tikhaya City

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Nice idea bringing back old school dayz, but how are you going to do that with limited running? Fatigue limits are crazy low,  I couldn't run 400m with empty inventory that I had to rest. I hope it's a bug and it gets fixed ASAP because the mod is unplayable otherwise.

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[li][NEW] New buildings interiors: Mil_Guardhouse, Mil_Barracks, Shed_W4, Ind_SawMill, HouseV_1I3, HouseV_2I, HouseV_1I1, Mil_House  [/li]
[li][NEW] Added 50 new skins/clothings ((Big Thanks to DayZ Sahrani Team!) [/li]
[li][NEW] Added random skins/clothings for players spawn [/li]
[li][NEW] Drinking directly from water pumps [/li]
[li][NEW] Player's will now leave blood trails when bleeding (Created by Purplish, Heavily modified by Alby) [/li]
[li][NEW] New weapons added: SVD Ironsight, SVD NSPU, Cheytac M200 Intervention [/li]
[li][NEW] New weapons attachments models based on orginal Arma models [/li]
[li][NEW] Ability to fix broken NVGoggles, GPS, Radio and Rangefider [/li]
[li][NEW] Broken items: GPS, NVG, Radio, Rangefinder and Scrap Electronics added to loot tables [/li]
[li][NEW] Player can now run out of Matches [/li]
[li][NEW] Weather data is now saved to the database [/li]
[li][NEW] Furniture and loot positions added for new buildings [/li]
[li][NEW] Hunting Knife can become blunt after gutting an animal [/li]
[li][NEW] New searchable objects added: ammobox/metal locker  [/li]
[li][NEW] Players clothes will switch after relog [/li]
[li][NEW] Ladder added to International Hotel model [/li]
[li][FIX] Fixed bulletproof and zombieproof trees (picea)[/li]
[li][FIX] Fixed Firestation ladder glich[/li]
[li][FIX] Reduced transportMaxMagazines and transportMaxWeapons in Trucks due to ArmA 2 limitations, "format" can only return 2048 characters[/li]
[li][FIX] Fixed issue when players ware not able to eat/drink after joining the server, even if their status was critical[/li]
[li][FIX] Zeds will now properly spawn inside buildings[/li]
[li][FIX] Fixed a bug when a player combat-logs inside a a building on 1st/2nd floor and ends up inside the texture[/li]
[li][FIX] Switching camera (1st/3rd person view) now works in all cases [/li]
[li][FIX] Disable IR lasers on all weapons [/li]
[li][FIX] Crash site's radius  increased to 5km from the center of the map [/li]
[li][FIX] Weapon from carry slot will be dropped on the ground on players death [/li]
[li][FIX] Fixed damage for 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD ammunition (STANAG/G36 SD)[/li]
[li][FIX] Fixed vehicle ammo refill [/li]
[li][FIX] Stamina System simplified [/li]
[li][FIX] Zeds won't agro on Air Vehicles, cousing major FPS drops. If the player was targeted on foot, Zeds will still chase him [/li]
[li][FIX] Fixed 'any' from repairing vehicle cuttext [/li]
[li][FIX] Added magazine model for Cheytac M200 Intervention [/li]
[li][FIX] Map additions fixes (rebuilded Stary Sobor) [/li]
[li][FIX] Fixed bugs in some furniture objects [/li]
[li][FIX] Overall fixes and files cleanup [/li]
[li][FIX] Overall loot table fixes [/li]
[li][DEL] Removed some clipping original Arma/DayZ objects [/li]
[li][DEL] Removed additional NWA barrack building and surrounding objects [/li]

[li][NEW] New Weapon: M14 ACOG[/li]
[li][NEW] Temperature enhancements. Temperature will now play a bigger role in the survival aspect (Thanks to Chaba for pointing it out) [/li]
[li][NEW] Better animation for eating and drinking directly from pumps [/li]
[li][FIX] Gemetry fixes for new buildings [/li]
[li][FIX] Shadow fixes for new buildings [/li]
[li][FIX] Pathing fixes for new buildings [/li]
[li][FIX] Lightning fixes for new buildings [/li]
[li][FIX] Better textures for new buildings [/li]
[li][FIX] Endless drinking and eating bug after relog [/li]
[li][FIX] PSO fix for incompatible SVD variants [/li]
[li][FIX] Food/Drink's loot in Supermarket lowered since players can now drink directly from pumps [/li]
[li][FIX] Some searchable objects loot lowered: ammo box, metal case, military container [/li]
[li][FIX] MilHouse loot lowered [/li]
[li][FIX] Fixed an issue with adding/removing M203 GL to/from weapons [/li]
[li][FIX] Removed Stamina Limit used in development which was added by mistake [/li]
[li][FIX] Fixed some timing issues in player status synchronization [/li]
[li][FIX] M249 can now also use 30Rnd. Stanag Mags. [/li]
Edited by djpiomax

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