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Real Life DayZ Trailer

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Hey everyone,


We've been making a Real Life DayZ web series and are about to release the final three parts over the next three weeks. 


Here's a trailer for what's in store: 



For those of you that haven't seen the other parts:


Part 1: 

Part 2: 


We work on no budget and depend on our friends to help out. Over the course of making these videos we looked to you guys in the community for suggestions and support. We've definitely come a long way since the first part and we hope you guys will enjoy what the last three parts have to offer enough to share with those around you!

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Thanks for the support guys!


In a couple hours Part 3 (or the first part of the last parts) will be up. We're excited to see it finally up b/c it's pretty intense in more ways than one!

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When will their be number four?? The last one displays perfectly that you can't trust anyone, it's a little harsh but eh that's how DayZ is.

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When will their be number four?? The last one displays perfectly that you can't trust anyone, it's a little harsh but eh that's how DayZ is.

Thanks we're glad you liked it! We definitely wanted to play on the trust factor in DayZ and in any survival event.


Part 4 is out right now!


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