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Knockout timer literally will not end

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I've never experienced this problem before, and it's a simple one. My knockout timer literally does not go down, but stays full. While this is going on I cannot do anything, can't type for someone to kill me or give me an epi pen. Doesn't matter what server I go to, just keeps me knocked out with the timer not going down. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

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How long have you tried waiting? I would leave it on there and walk away for a long ass time and see if it goes down at all. 


If your on a US server I will help you out.

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If you're on Public Hive, try contacting the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland. We will be there in no time to get you patched up.


Thanks, submitted. Yea I left it on for 20 minutes and it moved, slightly. As in less than 1 mm. Dead serious. Will probably die of thirst before it even ends. Why the hell do they have such long knockout timers even in place? Or is this a glitch?




Edit. Just died of thirst

Edited by Donair

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Thanks, submitted. Yea I left it on for 20 minutes and it moved, slightly. As in less than 1 mm. Dead serious. Will probably die of thirst before it even ends. Why the hell do they have such long knockout timers even in place? Or is this a glitch?




Edit. Just died of thirst





Sorry to hear that man.


What the hell was it that knocked you out?

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You should have knocked out, as there was no use i you being logged as you knew you were knocked out.


Just so you remember it incase it happens again. :)

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Sorry to hear that man.


What the hell was it that knocked you out?



Below 3000 blood

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 Why the hell do they have such long knockout timers even in place? Or is this a glitch?




Yeah its a fairly rare bug, i don't know the exact number but max knockout time should only be about 3 or 4 minutes.

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