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SA suggestions:

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1. a drip rifle for use to distract players/ zombies to a certain area of a town while you loot the other


2.chernarus+ ideas:

 -a prison

 -a stadium

 -i think confirmed but police stations?


3. remove military loot from firestation


4.is there a toolbelt for SA??


5.hotbar: 6 slots: 1, primary weapon 2,pistol 3, melee 4,first aid kit 5, binos 6, free choice


6.drastically increase vehicle count but all are severely damaged and 1% have fuel


7.3 types of zombies: walkers, infected (can run), screamers(can't see but very sensitive to sound


8. a question if youre making it so there are 3000 zombies are you going to nerf them or add more bullets or anything?


9.harvest food from vegie patches and green houses


10. forraging forage berries and mushrooms but some are poisonous


11. diffferent sized water bottles restore different amounts of water



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Why a stadium? For what sport?


No "screamers" or zombies with any kinds of powers, in any capacity.


8. No. You're fucked. Also Rocket went back on his word and said they'd respawn in depopulated zones. :(


10. I thinnnnnk he's said that...?


11. Awesome idea.

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