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[SA] Natural body 'decay' - body dragging

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Just a 'realism' and gameplay suggestion.


No more hiding bodies, period. You can only drag them around and place them in quiet areas. If there are no more buzzing flies audible from a hundred metres away, it should work decently well. Bodies 'decay' after an hour or so for zombies, and like, six or so for players.


The reasons for this are numerous: You can't remove loot from the world by hiding a body (only by destroying it/scattering it instead of making it disappear into the ether), and more importantly, you can't get rid of evidence of zombies you've killed.


There is no more zombie radar. Players will be completely invisible in the new Chernarus, except for a trail of bodies they leave behind. If you find a zombie body hidden in the bushes, you know someone has been there within the last hour.


And if zombie bodies 'decay' after an hour and respawn when they decay, it would also allow entire areas to be 'cleared' of zombies temporarily.


Fun all around!

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This is a pretty neat idea, I once played on a RP type server once where they had hiding bodies disabled.. I had shot someone that was trash talking us 'Muricans and he had a bunch of his buddies around so I didnt really want them to find his body and figure out he was dead.. Dragged him into a dark corner and hauled ass, So yes I would love to see something like this.

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This is great. I think hide body should be available though. It can work like this:

You have to have a shovel on your person.

The process is you Click hide body and goes into this long drawn out animation and when completed, works similar to the hidden stashes we have now. Its a small 6ft long subtle mound of bright/discolored dirt. It'll be hard to spot but if another player comes by and sees it, they can uncover the body by digging the body up.

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Sweet, sweet :thumbsup:


I like that idea a lot. Shadow134's idea for graves is pretty cool too. It needs to be well balanced though, otherwise some place will just be littered with bodies. Which is not a bad thing, but I'm assuming that'd create performance issues?


(Also Oliver Riedel, Rammstein ftw!)

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I love it.

Bodies would instead of disappearing into the ground would have to be dragged away as a quick option.

There should be a few body decay stages much like clothing damage ultimately ending up with the complete disappearance of that body after about two days.

However for friends or enemies, you should be able to dig a grave. Digging up that grave negatively affects that grave robber even if he was the original player, if there is a negative effect similar to humanity in the SA...

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