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Want to Start a Server or Need Help Adding Scripts?? - LOOK NO FURTHER!

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Good evening,

I am currently hosting my own server and need help setting up scripts. Can you please help me? I can compensate you for your services.



Cruz, J.L.

Corporal of Marines

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Some friends and I are starting up our own server. We've been having some general problems and google has been a dry well on a few of the issues. We would really appreciate some general help with admin tools and loading in scripts.


Please pm me.


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well don't seem like I can send a msg you on here or poke you on your TS but I will save your TS and try to talk to you sometime but there was something that I wanted to know I will be trying to start a server soon though HFB Servers and wanted to know if you know how

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any chance your still helping people out. if so I would like some help gettying some scripts added to my server

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Hi Prominentalex

My name is John, 

I have a server just purchased (Epoch running Napf map) and would like some scripts added but have no real clue as to what im doing, I have spent 3 days trying to get just the AI (wicked) running so far all I have working is the mission side of it. I would like to add:

1. Trader safe zones

2. Auto Refuel

3. |Tow /Lift

4. AI - Heli patrols (wicked AI) and ground spawns

5. Admin control panel

6. Debug Monitor

7. Salvage Vehicles

8. rather than self blood bad - a few servers i have played on is Eat and drink and blood will go up is this possible

9. Possible Vehicle Key Changer 

10. Build snapping

may be a few other we can talk about



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Hi there,

As the other guy noted, you are unable to recieve PMs.  If you are available I could use your help with my Epoch server.  I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you.

P.S.  I am on your Teamspeak server, I am [PVG] Raven8288

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