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Returning after a year.

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I have returned to DayZ after being away for a year. So I'm wondering if someone could give me a quick update of major changes in the last year?


I will read the changelogs now, but it will be a long read I suspect.

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I've just rejoined myself and have little clue as to what has been going on(so if someone was to post his information here, he'd be helping me out as well, thanks :) )

The things I've noticed are there are a lot more mods(Origins, Epoch and stuff like that), the in-game hud has changed and it's very much.. prettier :D

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No .50 cals, no l 85 AWS, lpts of bugs repaired, few guns added (SA 58 for example), zombies fixed a bit but deadly. Simple crafting system, journal instead of debug monitor, new backpacks, AN 2 plane, Little Bird and MI 17 added.

Thats only what I remember that changed. Read the changelogs for further info.

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You can now keep your hatchet on your back while carrying a gun. To switch to the hatchet just press 3 or scroll wheel to switch to it, as you would your sidearm.


Kind of a big deal to me.

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Oh yeah.  (Unless it's changed again), expect that when you get hit by certain zombies (the really fucked up looking ones), you will get a deadly lingering infection that can only be cured by extremely rare anti-biotics.

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