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Does the paint on a vehicle affect it's visibility?

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Alright straight forward question, I know for humans seeing a bright yellow SUV in a field or on a road would be more obvious, but does the paint scheme affect how well zeds can see it?


Aside from that I had a great experience, I was taking an SUV back to base camp, in the middle of a town I hit a post so I had to salvage a spare tire (used mine already) luckily there was a car nearby, so I went and grabbed it's tire. On the way back to my SUV two zeds came from the cars direction, so I put my Silenced MP5 on burst and took them out, one of them got to me though so I had to bandage fast, as another was about to spot me from behind, I turn around, bam, pop him with 5 shots, and then two more come from the other side. I take one out, one drops and starts crawling, I take him out with one shot, repair my SUV and get the hell out of there, it was awesome XD.


I just need to get my server IP out there so I can have some people joining up, problem is my download speed. I have 12mb/s download, but only 1 or 2 mb/s upload, sometimes speedtest shows less :/


Anyways, back to the point. Does the color affect a vehicles visibility?

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I don't think so, the paint/colour as far as I know is purely cosmetic. 

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Yeah, what Inception said. AFAIK it doesn't make any difference to Zed/NPC (if you're playing a server/mod with NPCs) visibility, but if/when you're playing with others, dark/dull coloured paint is a necessity if you want to be able to hide your vehicle with any effectiveness.

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Yeah, what Inception said. AFAIK it doesn't make any difference to Zed/NPC (if you're playing a server/mod with NPCs) visibility, but if/when you're playing with others, dark/dull coloured paint is a necessity if you want to be able to hide your vehicle with any effectiveness.


Alright thanks guys.

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