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Jock McScottish

So does the way you play Dayz reflect your 'real life' personality?

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A complete lack of sympathy for the dead or dying, psychotic tendencies, Paranoid schizophrenia, and a constant craving for canned food...yea that sounds about right.


Seriously though, no, its a "game" I play it like one.  

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I went to the supermarket and whilst shopping a old lady asked me to reach the beans for her......those where the last beans on the shelve. Needless to say that bitch be dead.

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In CS:GO I try not to kill the opposing team because it is immoral.



you are right but I would just like to say the majority of human existence has not been in civilisation but large scattered groups of people (say, tribes).


My point was that for as long as history has been recorded in some manner human beings have been co-operating for mutual benefit. Very few humans do it all on their own. Our tendencies are not to split up and "every man for himself" while we kill each other, but to bunch up in groups that work together for mutual survival. So all the people saying they would shoot everyone they saw in a real apocalypse are either anti-social sociopaths, or lying to themselves. The vast majority would probably end up as "toadies" to a more powerful or charismatic individuals. I would explain why but it would probably insult them at their very core. 

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