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King of kong

Chernarus & The Apocalypse: My Factbook.

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Hello. I have just written up a Factbook about Chernarus because there is alot of confusion. Please comment and correct any missing/in-correct information. 

Chernarus: In Arma 2, the American Marine Corp was dispatched to Chernarus following the Chedaki attack on the CDF garrison on Utes Island. What followed, was a bloody civil war between the ethnic Russian population in Chernarus and the CDF/Chernarussian Nationalist rebels. (My information may be wrong as I've never played the Campaign, just the Map Editor)

Confusion About Chernarus: I have observed many a DayZ review, most of these state that Chernarus is a "Russian" State. Chernarus is in fact, a nation. An Ex-Soviet nation, at that. I have also viewed many a DayZ machinema which often portrays USMC Soldiers fighting the infected, and characters with US/CA accents.

The Confusion about Zombies: In many of the DayZ suggestion topics I've seen, many people ask for more of an "undead" appearance, often referring to the zombies as "undead". This has been stated many times, the "Zombies" are humans who have been infected with a virus/bacterial infection, they are not the living dead.

Helicopter Crash Sites: It is quite strange that the UH-1Y Crashes hold a British pilot, and Chernarussian troops. The amount of  these crashes seems unrealistic, as the US carrier off Utes Island would not have enough space for them. I'm gonna fit a mini-suggestion in here like the lazy, notorious  Shite-Hawke that I am. Replace the UH-1Y with the MI-17 and MI-24, while keeping a few US choppers if the devolpement team wish the SA to remain canon to Arma 2.

Just a small little thing to clear up some confusion about ArmA and DayZ. I'm not a "Buy ArmA for DayZ" person. I wanted to get ArmA before the DayZ mod came out.

Wolfensteinsaurus: Contrary to popular beilefe, Wolfensteinsaurus is not a Nazi. He is a legit buisness man, investing in Chernarus's future by eradicating the bambi scum.....And so called heroes......  

I understand that my information may be wrong, but I'm too lazy to play ArmA right now.


Edited by King of kong
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Nice, I always had a view that those Chernarussian soldiers were casualties being lifted to safety by a British chopper, or they were working with the British armed forces, the war in afghanastan for example...

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Nice, I always had a view that those Chernarussian soldiers were casualties being lifted to safety by a British chopper, or they were working with the British armed forces, the war in afghanastan for example...

Well, the CDF is working with the UN in Takistan. (They use MI-17's with Irish flags fo' some reason). Although, why would the British Armed Forces use a UH-1Y with US markings.. And surely those CDF troops wouldn't be able to walk if they were akready wounded on impact after crashing.

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Well, the CDF is working with the UN in Takistan. (They use MI-17's with Irish flags fo' some reason). Although, why would the British Armed Forces use a UH-1Y with US markings.. And surely those CDF troops wouldn't be able to walk if they were akready wounded on impact after crashing.

Well yeah, maybe the Infection stimulated muscles and made the human body go to its full capacity, with the burden of pain away to make them more efficient predators, whilst the US markings might just mean they got in a hurry or they were using supplies from the USm which is possible...

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I like this, we're a stickler for sticking with pre-existing ArmA story. Anyone who disagrees will be sent to the chamber.

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Exactly it is its own nation, but the campaign is pretty good, the Russians get involved through a terrorist attack and things escalate, unlike everyone else, I enjoyed the campaign. (Bought arma way before dayz was made) 

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 i feel like moon moon


God dammit Moon Moon

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It is a WELL KNOWN FACT, that Wolfensteinsaurus is the original and ONLY Nazi left in Chernarus.\


The S.S is still going strong despite what you think XD

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Hmm. Nice conclusions you have here... Maybe they will make something more realistic in SA.

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The predefined story is better. Please leave and rethink your life, preferably with a bottle of gin and a handgun.

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