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Whats your ideal server population?

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Depends on how fast the server is...I'll take as many players on a server as it can handle without becoming slow. 50-60 players is typical for me.

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I usually go with the most populated server on my Favorites list. Full server if possible. On the rare occasion that every server happens to be under 20 players I will search for a new server and maybe even try out a new mod (If all my servers are still under 20 players after the new mod installs).


With all the severs on my favorites list I usually go into a close to full server.

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A server that has on average 30-40 players


meaning i don't mind if it dips lower then 20 or so for a few hours or exceeds 40 for a few hours.


Players interaction is what dayz is about. 

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30-40 is perfect for me. I like to play with 60 players sometimes, but definitely not every time.

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Its funny this topic has been brought up. I broke my headset yesterday so I've actually been looking for low population servers.


I suppose I could just stay far away from the high traffic areas and towns but it makes me way too nervous to play my Vanilla character on a high pop server without being able to hear where gun shots are coming from and etc.


Same thing with my Origins server. It would hurt much worse to get my Vanilla dude killed but im pretty geared up with my Origins dude too and theres no self blood bags on there either.

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On a map the size of Chernarus, I prefer about 25-30 players.  With that population you have room for both PvE and PvP, basically you get the whole game experience.  Too few and it's boring without the threat of bandits or interaction with other survivors.  Too many and it's all PvP, in which case I'd just as soon play Wasteland or Warfare ARMA 2 mission files.  I find that 25 to 30 players seems to be a good number.  There's room to move around the map, look for and repair vehicles, find or build camps, etc, and all the time there's good chance you will encounter other players at least once during a play session.

Edited by H4YW1R3

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