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Make killing an option... allow us to knock out fellow survivors :)

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Horse tranq darts spawn in farmhouse would be sweet.

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Well I hope someone doesn't decide to use one on me while I'm being chased down by a horde of flesh eating zombies.

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The current way the game is its pointless to knock someone out. If your going to loot him then you may as well kill him. By the time he/she wakes up you would have taken all the good stuff forcing the player to look for a new town and try again only to have the chance of getting knocked out. I would rather take a bullet and start over.

Now if the player was unlootable while knocked out then im all for that. Let the other player knock him out and take the stuff in the building and move along. That i would like, because looting some one and leaving them for dead is just as bad in this game as killing them.

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Knockouts sound like a nice addition for survivors, particularly if they were added as a fire mode for appropriate weapons - I imagine this would be the easiest way.

But five-ten minute knockouts? Hell no. First: unrealistic. People knocked out for that amount of time have taken a hell of a hit, probably sustained brain damage and may not ever wake up. Second: boring and exploitable. Who wants to lie around for five or ten minutes doing nothing but wait for some zombie to wander over and tear them to pieces? Also, how long's the average wait at traffic lights where you live? Here it's about two minutes, but I tell you it feels like a frigging eternity when you're sitting on your backside with nothing to do. Third: unnecessary. It doesn't take five or ten minutes to search through someone's pack and make yourself scarce.

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I wonder why a bandit should use a slot to take tranquilizer bullets...

This will prevent survivors killing each others, but bandits (as the 80% of this game) will ignore this feature and continue to kill for fun as they already do.

Also, a melee weapon that knocks out is useless, can't get so close to an enemy without be spotted.

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One word to actually make this worthwhile would be to have some of the items on a survivor destroyed when you shoot them. But then again I don't really see people going for a knock-out when it's so easy to kill...I mean, seriously, creeping up on somebody and meleeing them? Not only is it impossible to get within close range quietly, actually hitting them with something in the ArmA2 engine would be a huge gamble. Maybe if there were tranquilizer guns or something....still, I feel like there are many more important features that need to be implemented rather than this one.

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I want a tazor!

Its more logical to find a tazer (use in police or threatened people) than finding tranquilizer darts (srsly, who uses them except for spies in video games).

I dont know how to set the time not being able to move or do anything.

It has to be clarified, if its something you only should use to run away from well armed bandits or if its a tool to rob someone

Anyway i think, when you are able to do something again, it should be like those heavy pains, your screen should shake, but not as much.

It should be unfixable, but only lasts for 5 minutes

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This is an idea I kept wondering why nobody else had thought of haha. I don't think the tranquilizer darts, tazers and stuff would be good. I was thinking have a button where when your within a certain distance of another player knocks them down first, like dazed, then you have to follow through to knock them out. So you'd have to hit them twice to make sure they're down good.

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I think adding a modified Mosin-Nagant would add some much needed Soviet flavor, firing tranq darts ala MGS3. I could hit a guy, the effect takes a little while to settle in (perhaps based on hunger/thirst/remaining blood) and I can disarm the punk while he is down. I think limiting what is lootable in this state could work, like only primary weapon or only ammo.

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I love the idea of non-lethal ways to deal with people. I hope this develops into something good.

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Give me a dart rifle. I want to knock someone out tie them up and drag them to a bonfire and roast them alive.

Just kidding but a Dart rifle would be kind of nice.

Silenced and knocks them out if it hits them.

One shot per reload and it's max range of 300 meters.

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I like the idea like you hunt down a man from a bandit group and drag off his unconsious body, take his map and weapons and leave him in the middle of the forest or just question him untill he tells where there camp may be if they have one.

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Stunning Players With Hatchet.

May i suggest i have noticed with the hatchet in the top left corner it says "hack" underneath hatchet and the well um ammo if you want to call it that. hack obviously meaning the style of strike with the hatchet maybe you can press "F" so it changes to maybe... "Bunt" or "Stun" But i can see as Bohemia Interactive haven't done it with guns on the vanilla game it is probably really hard to do this (i would imagine so) maybe you could just make it so the strike looks the same as the hack strike only the hatchet does no damage and knocks them unconscious. i have no idea about how hard things like this are to do. but since i haven't got into any of this stuff i would imagine its pretty complicated.


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I'm another big fan of the knockout idea. I know bandits will keep going lethal, and hidden... they are all ultimately cowards... but for survivors this will be a great fun option.

Just make it so that it is not too long, due to bugs I spent some time unconcious and dont want to deal with that for 5 to 10 minutes at a time. Even one minute feels like a long time in game.

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I like this idea and all the small suggestions within it. Instead of shooting a person on sight, or trying to reason with him/her to be friendly, I would much rather stun or knock them out, and then run away from them asap.

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Or stun them, take their guns then wait for them to wake up and taunt them. Or give them the guns back and work together. After all, they've got the gun pointing at them and you have theirs. You could force them to trust you. Or force them to run into a zombie infested area as bait .Just don't turn your back afterwards.

And if you want to loot them blind, they'll always have stuff that you don't need. That way, you leave the junk and move on and the other player still keeps something, just not the most valuable ones. One man's junk is another man's treasure.

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It has to be a 1s knock out, which would end up being op as you just knock someone out then kill them

or has to be a 2-3 shot knock out, which is useless.

and they need to add melee weapons as secondaries

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Hum good ideas, i like the tranq dart ^_^

And you could get another use to the hunting knife, that when th player is knocked out, you could just FINISH HIM -ROCKET GUY WINS- -FLAWLESS VICTORY- -FATALITY-

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Its already ingame.

Step 1: Shoot target with 7.62mm Weapon(DMR, M24, M14, FN FAL, SVD, MK48, M240) once

Step 2: bandage them before they die

Step 3: ??

Step 4: Profit

You could force them to trust you.


It could also have a chance making the victim bleed and a chance of having a really bad concussion that could cause blurriness and frequent black outs.

Don't forget the serious brain damage that can be caused by getting your head smashed in with a brick or a good ol 4x4..

Edited by Golgo82

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I want this in. So many times I run into a poor guy and I just can't take him with me, I get so nervous but I'm not a douchebag so I don't wanna just 1 shot him with my AKM or Revolver. I'd love to just say " Sorry bro " And knock him out and move along without any guilt of killing an innocent player. MAYBE it could stop some DM'ers, but a fanastic Idea none-the-less

+ beans

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+1! I want a DeusEx/Thief like feature to make players unconscious and rob them :D

Its already ingame.

Step 1: Shoot target with 7.62mm Weapon(DMR, M24, M14, FN FAL, SVD, MK48, M240) once

It takes time to find a weapon like this and most players don't have one. Plus you still can kill players either because they heve a low blood level or because you hit them in the head by accident.

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Plus you still can kill players either because they heve a low blood level or because you hit them in the head by accident.

... Sorry dude, didn't mean to kill you but accidentally hit you in the head ... :D

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Hi new to the boards, Fairly long time player and overall pacifist, but have had to kill on occasion for protection.

I think a dart rifle is a pretty good idea. If you have to give up your primary slot for the rifle, wouldn't it encourage people to team up also? For example, I play with 2 - 3 other people and we all tend to get different weapons so we can handle situations in different ways. One could possibly arm the knockout gun with the knowledge he has backup if needed and for solo players give them time to communicate with a downed player, who they could then possibly team up with and get the needed backup. I don't like the idea of looting knocked out players though, the idea of knocking someone out should be for protection and gaining a valuable asset with a possible team mate. Also if knocked out then it should be no longer than 30 seconds, because of zombies roaming may go for their body. If you want to race them to loot, then you should be able to roughly count to 30 and make sure you shoot them again before the time is up to give you time to loot/ communicate/ escape.

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