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905 Clan Recruiting Skilled Bandits (Currently recruiting for origins/overpoch)!

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Age: 16 almost 17(29 days)

Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing):8 I'm fairly new but have played Arma 2 and Arma 3 allot and I've played other zombie games. I have about 100 hours on DayZ so far.

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact):  EHHPEOPLE (Jeff from Ft. lauderdale)

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one): Sniper/Assault and Im pretty decent at flying helis.

What do you bring to the group?: I'm a pretty funny guy and someone good to talk to as well as being a good team player. I prefer playing games with other people and just need a reliable team to play with.

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Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing):6

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): et-adde

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one):sniper/scout

What do you bring to the group?: another man to the field, i can find good ways too be unseen in almost every situation, can be a pilot if nessery 

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Skype email [email protected]

Prefer Sniper or assault but I can be whatever is needed.

Experience I have been playing DayZ for a while now and have 100s of hours on panthera alone.  I know the map like the back of my hand although I have little experience playing epoch

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Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing):7

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): dont like giving this info out to public

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one):sniper/assault

What do you bring to the group?: A guy than can be counted on to do what needs to be done.

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Age: 18

Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing): 8

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): curtiseldridge

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one): Sniper (preferred), Scout, Pilot, Assault (if needed) (helicopters) 

What do you bring to the group?: I can bring in experience and an able bodied, reliable player to this group. I've been playing dayz for well over a year and I can say that I can handle myself pretty well in the crazy situations that we all may run into while playing. I can snipe pretty well, and I'm good at piloting as well, although I do prefer to use helicopters. I can work under pressure too. I'm also mature and I follow orders without question and with haste. 

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Age: 20

Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing): 7,5

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): ewald.krebs

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one): Assault (Machineguns, Shotguns, Assaultrifles), Pilot

What do you bring to the group?: I am an active, experienced dayz/arma 2 player and I keep cool in every situation. I am relieable and can follow orders and I would love to play in a group again because thats how I enjoy dayz the most.

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Age: 16

Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing): 8

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): bunnyluvin5

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one): pilot and assult

What do you bring to the group?: I am a serious player when it needs to be. I spend a lot of the time scavenging the server because theres not much action usually on the servers i play on. And it takes a lot to make me mad. im also a good builder.

Edited by aedrip

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Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing):7.5

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): Squidward Tortillini

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one): Scout/Assault

What do you bring to the group?: Day z alone is boring and half of my friends don't own the game while the others don't like it. I'm looking to join the group in order to make a legitimate base on Epoch, which I haven't managed to do in a while. Been playing on non-Epoch due to the fact that solo Epoch has a soul-crushing boredom.

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Age: 18

Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing): 5~6

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): daniel.strem

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one): Scout, Assault

What do you bring to the group?: I have played a lot of dayz, although I am not really good at the game I can hold my own. I know how to get loot quite quickly and I am quite annalitic (I don't know if i spelled that right) when i need to be. I try to play cautious but not to the point of avoiding a fight entirely. Panthera will be a newer map for me but I try to learn as quick as I can. I enjoy playing with a group more then winning although winning will definitly be more fun xD

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All applications have been replied to and added on skype, im still looking for active players to join the squad

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Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing):6-7

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): jack.mccormick31

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one):sniper

What do you bring to the group?: i have played dayz a fair bit and have pretty good knowledge of the game, i am also a heroic level raider in world of warcraft, so adapting to things around me and having awarness of what is going on around me is like second nature to me.

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Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing):6-7

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): jack.mccormick31

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one):sniper

What do you bring to the group?: i have played dayz a fair bit and have pretty good knowledge of the game, i am also a heroic level raider in world of warcraft, so adapting to things around me and having awarness of what is going on around me is like second nature to me.


Accepted added on skype

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