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Landmines again.

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Already DayZ has the hand granade, satchel, M320, and AT4. But another wepon that could be implemented would be the TM-72 or the M15 mine for vehicles. This could discourage people from using a car or truck because most of the time when I see others inside of vehicles. They speed past me, most likely for them they are going to drive full throttle to where they go at all times. Now some people might say, " oh this is unrealistic, why would there be land mines in a zombie apocalypse". Well because Russia and the US were at war in the country. Probley mines were at the ready to put throughout roads and forests. Anti-personal mines also could have been used. I am sure this idea has shown up before many times but still none have been implemented.

Here's a list of some land mines that could work: POMZ-2M

Mk 7


You can add to the list as you please. It's just an idea that should be in the game overall for anti-person, zombie, and transport.

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Deans already said you can craft IEDs, landmines make sense and would be great fun :D

Might cut down the number of times i've been ran over :lol: deploy landmine and if they run me over, at least i'd take them with me.

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Deans already said you can craft IEDs, landmines make sense and would be great fun :D

Might cut down the number of times i've been ran over :lol: deploy landmine and if they run me over, at least i'd take them with me.

IEDs are great but mines are military versions that you could stand not to far from it and not get hurt because of the explosion is forced upwards to do maximum damage to the vehicle. Also they aren't really improvised and have only the highest quality explosive materials of their time that can be produced with.

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as a troll and a griefer I would like a bomber backpack. Basicly a large backpack full of C4 and improvised shrapnel about as powerful as 2-3 satchels that I could run into a camped building and take it down all jihad style :)

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Great way of doing something when you are bored because you have nothing else to do than KoS...

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Great way of doing something when you are bored because you have nothing else to do than KoS...

exactly. I need more creative ways to ruin peoples day :)

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Great way of doing something when you are bored because you have nothing else to do than KoS...

Mostly the mines would be a great source of protection of a base rather than just putting them behind corners to wait for unsuspecting people to walk over them. But instead If you wanted to go into a market or large building you and or your friends could set up mines near doorways or hallways like on the map namalsk underground.

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I doubt there would be mines on main roads left over from this supposed war.

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I doubt there would be mines on main roads left over from this supposed war.




Actually land mines are a huge problem in Cambodia as factions have laid thousands of them to establish control over areas of trees which produce Safrole oil, the major component in MDMA. Many of them are also left over from the Cambodian civil war of the 1970's. That means people still die today from land mines that were placed over 40 years ago.


You're right in that they probably wouldn't be common on main roads, but what I think he's actually suggesting is landmines as a usable object, meaning players could set them on the road in wait for vehicles.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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Actually land mines are a huge problem in Cambodia as factions have laid thousands of them to establish control over areas of trees which produce Safrole oil, the major component in MDMA. Many of them are also left over from the Cambodian civil war of the 1970's. That means people still die today from land mines that were placed over 40 years ago.


You're right in that they probably wouldn't be common on main roads, but what I think he's actually suggesting is landmines as a usable object, meaning players could set them on the road in wait for vehicles.


There are a lot if land mine fields all over the world, the closest to me would be the balkans ( still quite far though ). But if they actually used the backstory of ArmA 2 there wouldn't be many or any land fields because the conflict didn't last generations like f.e. in Cambodia where they had generations to hide those mines in the earth. And the mines players would lay in game would serve no other purpose than you know what because it would blow up the entire vehicle = no loot. And would survivors really lay mines or minefields to deny an area? I dare to say 99% wouldn't even want to touch one. There are other methods. In the end the one who laid it drives over it himself :lol:

Edited by Enforcer

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and a morphine won't help when you  jump on one of those bitches.


anyway..they've been banned since a bit and must follow strict rules in their deployment and functioning.


OP: what would you do if you pass near an armed guy in such a messy country? slow down and say hello?  :bandit:

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They'd have to be extremely rare. And it shouldn't be like CoD or BF where you can walk on your own mines safely.

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and a morphine won't help when you  jump on one of those bitches.


anyway..they've been banned since a bit and must follow strict rules in their deployment and functioning.


OP: what would you do if you pass near an armed guy in such a messy country? slow down and say hello?  :bandit:

What I would do is slow down yes. Unless they are a bandit or someone who is pointing a gun at me. I have a hero skin on at all times because I like to show people I am an alright  person. If they were unarmed or another hero no doubt I would let them in.

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They'd have to be extremely rare. And it shouldn't be like CoD or BF where you can walk on your own mines safely.

Unless its vehicle mines, but you should still be able to set them off if you're silly.

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as a troll and a griefer I would like a bomber backpack. Basicly a large backpack full of C4 and improvised shrapnel about as powerful as 2-3 satchels that I could run into a camped building and take it down all jihad style :)

That's just nasty..


I doubt there would be mines on main roads left over from this supposed war.

There are still bombs from World War 2 out there, so I think it's possible.


They'd have to be extremely rare. And it shouldn't be like CoD or BF where you can walk on your own mines safely.


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