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yet another story of how you can trust no one.

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I knew random death match was bad in this game but now I understand it is much worse than I previously thought. this is just a collection of some short stories, i will try to keep them short and to the point. I play dayzero so maybe this is just the server and not the game.


-my first ever experience with this game was when not even 5 minutes after I join the first server a Humvee of about 3-4 heavily armed players stop, jump out, gun me down, then drive off. what is bad about this is that it was obvious I had just spawned and hadn't picked up a single item. if there were a player I had to pick to represent the cod kiddies of dayz, it would be them.


-obviously not all at once, but about 3 times I have given someone my spare gun and every single time they shoot me with it. I could understand if I was packing some decent gear, but I had little, if any better gear than them. this is why I no longer hand out anything bigger than food and water now.


-my final story is when some kid I let be when I had a pistol and he was unarmed found a machete and did a suicide charge against me. to me, this just shows why the kos is so bad, because some people picked up dayz thinking it was call of duty.


this ended up turning into more of a rant than a story but I just felt like I had to get these stories out there, not necessarily out of frustration, but amazement considering all this happened within my first few hours of dayz. also as a warning to any soon to be dayz players, that being a decent human being in this game just isn't possible.

Edited by thecoolestloseryouknow

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Well that explains everthing, You get killed, you then kill, next person killed comes back kills next person, next person then kills YOU you then come back killing everyone... It is what we call A giant fecking circle jerk   Break the chain



I have been KOS too many times but i still have Faith

Besides if i live any longer than a day it is a mirracle

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happens to me all the time 
i was a fresh spawn and i was just walking by the road and suddenly... i hear a hmww (humwee) it goes by me and i just sat down there and said with a friendly voice: Hello buddy howš it going. Are you friendly? he was just aiming at me with his DMR for likie 5 secs and afterwards he shot like 10 shots and just left -_- fucking CoD kiddos

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Relax guys. They are all going to get a nice surprise with the Standalone.

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Stopped reading at 'cod kiddies'. Idiots and butthurt losers love that overused term. You're playing a mod that is based on top of a game designed around finding weapons and vehicles and using them to kill people. Bummer that people are actually using those items for their intended purpose...

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Stopped reading at 'cod kiddies'. Idiots and butthurt losers love that overused term. You're playing a mod that is based on top of a game designed around finding weapons and vehicles and using them to kill people. Bummer that people are actually using those items for their intended purpose...

i don't mind bandits, you are just taking it as "IM RAGING BECAUSE I GOT KILLED!!!!!!" I call them cod kiddies because they play the game like it is call of duty, running around killing for no apparent reason. I honestly doubt any of the guys in the Humvee have ever even picked up any loot that cant be used to kill someone.

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Are you friendly because your 'friendly' or are you friendly because you dont have a gun and I do? Thats the question I always ask myself!

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Stopped reading at 'cod kiddies'. Idiots and butthurt losers love that overused term. You're playing a mod that is based on top of a game designed around finding weapons and vehicles and using them to kill people. Bummer that people are actually using those items for their intended purpose...

hmm its also a bummer that you dont understand why dean created this mod, please note, this isnt the game, its a mod OF the game.


I dont think Dean intended on everyone just Death matching each other, If im not mistaken he created this mod to be kinda like the survival thing he did in the army. not for people to find a gun and kill everything they see that moves that isnt a zombie.

Edited by Oliver Riedel
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Not everyone acts like a douche in dayz. A couple of weeks ago some stranger gave me a gps. There are still people who don't KOS and will help a fellow in need for nothing in exchange. Still though, one should always be extremely cautious when around other players.

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when people got used to survive and started thinking they are a pro at dayz, they started to bahave like gods of war...i know there's a bunch of players who are friendlly when unarmed and ready to betray you at the first occasion...being friendly i've seen the worst of dayz..but i've found also really friendly people even in the north,


and again..the 90% shoot because they are scared of the other taking their stuff like irl..and especially if young, it's their only way to keep their pants clean: seeing everything like in a fps, where your heart doesn't race like in dayz when you see a player..(unless you just see just your loot on legs..)

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I honestly don't get why people still continue to complain about KOS.


If you honestly are mad enough about it to the point that you come on the forums to complain, then either


1. Stop playing DayZ,


2. Start KOS'ing yourself(I know this doesn't help stop KOS'ing but maybe you'll stop complaining about KOS if you just mow everyone down yourself


3. Nut up or Shut up.  If you're going to take the route of being a hero/survivor and try to help others, or avoid shooting innocent players, then you need to accept that at this point in DayZ, there are very few people you can trust, and that you're going to die a lot.  You're going to need to be cautious and think through what you're going to do ahead of time.

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If you honestly are mad enough about it to the point that you come on the forums to complain,

lol, im not mad, I just felt like telling this story more or less. and I do believe the pinned post even said part of the point of the bandit campfire was for people to tell their stories.

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I would never give a stranger IRL or in Dayz a gun.  


Imagine there are 40 zombies heading in your direction and you can't easily glitch them out or lose them by running through a building. You have two guns but can only fire one. Standing next to you is a complete stranger who seems scared but otherwise not threatening. So you would honestly try to shoot 40 zombies yourself before they reached you instead of giving this other guy your pistol and keeping your rifle so you could both shoot the zombies down and survive? How foolishly paranoid are some people?

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hmm its also a bummer that you dont understand why dean created this mod, please note, this isnt the game, its a mod OF the game.


I dont think Dean intended on everyone just Death matching each other, If im not mistaken he created this mod to be kinda like the survival thing he did in the army. not for people to find a gun and kill everything they see that moves that isnt a zombie.

So Dean could have very easily deleted AS50s, M107s, DMRs, belt fed machine guns, grenade launchers, satchel charges etc from the weapons database and specifically CHOSE NOT TO and that has somehow lead to me not understanding something? Or do you think he left them in the game naively thinking people would only use those weapons against zombies? Even in the SA there will be military grade weapons that will nearly be exclusively used to kill other players. He has said the SA will make ammo very, very rare but he is still leaving some very powerful, player killing weapons in the full release. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm playing the game incorrectly because I don't head into Elektro with a granade launcher with the intent of using it just to kill a few zombies before aggroing the entire city to my location. 

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I've encountered far less KOS lately than I used to. Of course, you get the people that drive up and slaughter hatchet-bearing spawns, but that always happens. But out of the 17-something encounters I've had in the past few days, I only had 2 instances where they shot on sight. The rest we just had a short chat and went out separate ways.


My way being following them if they look as if they may have a base.

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Imagine there are 40 zombies heading in your direction and you can't easily glitch them out or lose them by running through a building. You have two guns but can only fire one. Standing next to you is a complete stranger who seems scared but otherwise not threatening. So you would honestly try to shoot 40 zombies yourself before they reached you instead of giving this other guy your pistol and keeping your rifle so you could both shoot the zombies down and survive? How foolishly paranoid are some people?



best bet in that situation is to shoot the person next to you in the leg and run mutha fucka run. hahaha, you gotta laugh into side chat as you run away though.



unless i know them everyone i have met has shot at me, its why i stopped playing for a while.

Edited by DMC14
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To me this "Cod kiddie" playstyle doesnt offer what I would like in a game, if i want KOS so bad ill play COD. But I dont mind it every now and again, whats the fear in other players if we all become "friendly"?

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Perhaps part of the problem is that all of the YouTube videos that you can find on dayz highlight pvp... Perhaps someone who claims to be a "real" bandit should post some clips of them doing the deed the right way... Perhaps....

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Well first and foremost, I personally believe people can play this thing anyway they please, without hacking etc of course. I don't go about killing other players just cause I simply get no enjoyment from it but I don't actually find it especially hard to avoid others either. I use the hatchet to fight Zeds so I usually hear trigger happy people from a long way off.  I'm usually moving from cover to cover, using land contour lines to mask my movements, using flares and smoke to distract groups that get too close while I leg it the other way and I always hit the dirt and hide if I hear a vehicles. Saying that I've been hounded for an hour through thick woodland by the loud, light shining "little bird" at night which eventually lost its interest or its sight of me. I was stalked by a pair of gun toting nutters after hearing them approach the crash site I was halfway through searching, in their old beat up sedan. I had to crawl a long way to Stary Sober where thank the gods some other poor dude was whaling on Zeds with an AK, that poor guy I could hear them open up on him as I bolted over the hill to the south. Twice I've even been running through a building killing Zeds with a hatchet and come face to face with a similarly hatchet welding player as we both rounded the corner of a hallway. There was a strange 1 sec surprised stare-off ending usually with us each turning around and going or separate ways. I guess I just don't need interaction with others, good or bad. I'm still just enjoying exploring and splatting Zeds and I like the feeling of "shoot or maybe be shot!" every time I lay eyes on another human. If you really want to play with others just join one of their funny cults (clans). But if you choose to interact with others surely it makes sense that it should carry a risk.

Now personally I have no respect for players that have to deceive people to be able to kill them, it just seems boring to me, I mean when I'd imagine you could have loads more fun hunting them all across "virtual" creation while pitting your skill set against theirs. Would you believe I have only killed one other player in the 6+ months I've played and that was at the end of my first week. My first mistake was logging out the night before in a building in the NWAF you know one of the long low ones with the loads of doors and I logged back in the next day to the sound of gunfire outside. What to do, I figured maybe he has already been through this building and the shots will move away and I can escape from the area but they didn't, they got closer. So I hid in the last room at the end of the corridor and peeked out at the closed front door it opened and there he was, had he seen me, does he know I'm here and there no way out of here I thought, so I lay down on the ground and started trying to figure out which text to use the "side" or "direct" and what the hell to type. I don't know if he saw me or just started searching the building from the back but he rounded the corner just as I typed friendly and he opened up on me with the M4 on full auto and he defiently clipped me cause i was bleeding but i could hear the rest crash into the wall behind me. I don't know if he was aiming with the crosshairs and we were too close or it was because I was wearing a gillie suit and he couldn't figure out what the hell was on the ground in front of him at first. Now I had that Remmington shotgun with the flash light id been using the night before to see what the hell I was doing, it was loaded with the red shot shells I hit return said "friendly" in the direct channel and fired the eight rounds into him, at that range it was over quick. Hearing Zeds scream outside I took a few seconds to type "I'm not going to touch your gear cause I didn't want any trouble" and reloaded, shooting two Zeds at the front door and I fecking legged it eventually hiding in some trees to use a bandage. I could hear shooting somewhere else in the NWAF so I figured I'd head away from it in case he was with them and they were coming for vengeance as he screamed at them on team speak or some such. He was back on quickly and typed "why don't you die" on side and to be honest I had no answer for him, so I ignored it and just played on. "The point the point you waffling idiot" I hear you scream.... is, I don't think I would have had those experiences if the game was set up different and they sure as hell got my pulse racing.

Oh as a slight aside, I've been playing on hardcore servers with all the stuff (crosshairs, 3rd person, death messages, side channel etc) turned off and it's been much more fun. Wondering through the woods at night in the fog is a trip.

Edited by 782B

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Save the bambis! They are an endangered species that you fuckers keep killing, stahp it.


Thx and go fuck yourselves wannabe bandits.


Edit: I like to swear so dont give me a fucking warning point pls :)

Edited by {420}Mr.Smiley

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