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Clarity Gaming Now Recruiting!!

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Edited by _VJB_

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Edited by _VJB_

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DayZ Requirements :

 Mic - Turtle Beach PX3


In-game name - Usually Kags77 but im currently using a character called Kyne Staley


Age - 15


Mature - Yes very mature but i do like to have a joke and a laugh when the time is necessary.


Experienced - I am very experienced as I've been playing DayZ for about a year now.


Type of play - ( your play-style ) I usually start with residential loot such as food and drink and equipment then i move onto military loot. I also am normally a friendly player looking to help others out.


When I can play - Basically whenever you need me to but i play quite often anyway.


Why I'm looking for a group - DayZ is such a great mod but it is 10 times better with a friend or a group.


Thanks for reading.

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One Topic fits all.


11) Multiple Accounts:
Multiple accounts are not tolerated and may result in a Ban for each instance.

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DayZ Requirements :

 Mic - Steel Series Serbia V2


In-game name - MrGibsta


Age - 16


Mature - Yes good a communicating in a squad  


Experienced - playing for over a year now


Type of play - ( Aggressive and very patience player   ) 


When I can play -  past 4:30 everyday till when ever i feel tired 


Why I'm looking for a group - To play in a good organised squad  


After this, Message me (Dev) or ImABambi on teamspeak, and we will start on your recruiting.

Teamspeak info - clan-warfare.clants.net


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DayZ Requirements :

 Mic - Yes


In-game name - Delreth


Age - 14


Mature -When I need to be


Experienced - Playing day z for almost a year


Type of play - I usually stick to myself, and don't really team. I skip the residential loot and head from Balota to NEAF and back. I bandit on a few servers, and hero on a few servers.


When I can play - a couple hours every day.


Why I'm looking for a group - Day z is better in a group
Edited by Delreth52

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Edited by _VJB_

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