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The bridge to skalisty island, is it bugged?

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So on the server I'm playing on theres a bridge that goes to this island, I load up at the super market and head over, I find a tent and a 4x4 with no wheels on the island, pitch the tent put my loot inside and go back to find wheels for the 4x4. I return with the first wheel as I got lucky in the industrial building right next to the bridge, on to get the others.

So I return to the bridge with the other wheel and wtf? Its like the sections of the bridge are turned 'sideways' making it impassable!! Later the server resets and I go back to the bridge but its the same lol then I go into another server to find the bridge also 'sideways' there!

Is this a bug? Is it like this for anyone else? Is someone destroying the bridge?

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The way the skalisity bridge is constructed is by stringing together a bunch of peir blocks, (what the warfs are made out of).


So basically its a bunch of these stuck together:




Depending on how the server spawns them in can depend how buggy they are, bridges in general in arma 2 are buggy, so user made ones are generally problematic. 

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Yes each section turned sideways is about that size like each pier block is turned 90 degrees, may just forget that tent and 4x4 then :)

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To better answer your question, or more so add to what Dienark said


The Bridge to that island isnt meant to be in the game, so its bound to be problematic adding it in custom (for the love of god DO not drive a Quad-Bike over it)

Edited by leviski
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 (for the love of god DO not drive a Quad-Bike over it)


Thinking about someone trying that gave me a giggle. 

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To better answer your question, or more so add to what Dienark said


The Bridge to that island isnt meant to be in the game, so its bound to be problematic adding it in custom (for the love of god DO not drive a Quad-Bike over it)


I wanna know whats gunna happen if I do now lol....do tell so I dont have to spend my time getting glitched for curiosity?

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