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We need to be able to defend ourselves

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Im fine with no starting weapon, but im not fine with no defense what so ever. Why is there no melee?

You can no longer prone and move anywhere near a zombie outside or inside, you cant crouch and walk slowly, you cant shoot them until you get a weapon.

There needs to be melee and melee world objects, why cant i punch? kick? use the hunting knife as an actual knife? Close a door? seriously close a door, i close the door the zombies just walk right through it and face smash me. Why cant i stun one by clubbing it in the head with that jack daniels bottle i just picked up? or a brick? or i can just shove it to the ground or something to temp knock it away to buy time to hide.

Prone making noise means you cant navigate anything if a zombie is near by, and having no weapon means you cant fight anything that attacks you, and doors not working means you cant barricade yourself to safety.

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Jesus fucking christ the game is an alpha. You obviously know nothing of coding so you shouldent even talk son.

Seriously, its not even that hard to survive anyways.

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It's a mod in Alpha. Give it some time and things like that will eventually come to it. There is melee the hatchet and crowbar.

Not much else I can do for you. I agree with you if Day Z was a finish product, but sadly newly cooked games/mods can't be at your door in under 30 minutes.

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Jesus fucking christ the game is an alpha. You obviously know nothing of coding so you shouldent even talk son.

Seriously' date=' its not even that hard to survive anyways.


Was this response supposed to be remotely useful? You came off like some jumped up rabid fanboy raging because one more person didnt like the new change. Im sorry my lack of coding knowledge lead me to complain about doors being completely useless and only serve as a method of boxing yourself into death..

If a thread like this makes you so angry then dont respond to them.

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If I hear "but it's an alpha" regarding any game - not just Day Z - I'll tear my hair out.

We can still voice are grievances regardless of the development level.

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oh FFS we KNOW it alphaaaaaa....stop with the constant reminders.

the game is great, a fantastic experience, but it definitely needs work. hitbox detection is way off, the zombies glitch far too much and in my opinion, if rocket wants feedback to be of any use he needs to pay attn to the people talking about the zombies.

melee weapons are here, yes they need work too, but theyre here.

its the zombies themselves that are making this game break for alot of people. you can absolutely find the tools you need to survive, but half of the fun is trying to raid a town by urself or with others.

if the zombies, however dangerous they may be are a glitchy mess, the game becomes unbearably tedious.

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If I hear "but it's an alpha" regarding any game - not just Day Z - I'll tear my hair out.

We can still voice are grievances regardless of the development level.

You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that there is a MAJOR difference between helpful, constructive criticism and blatant whining/ranting/bitching/mindlessly bashing a keyboard with complaints.

The reason people keep saying IT'S AN ALPHA is because nearly all of the complaints that get posted repeatedly are stupid, unnecessary whining - OR as posted as self-entitled, "give me this immediately, I demand my money back!" rubbish.

If people have complaints or suggestions they feel as valid, why don't they form them as such?


"I've noticed that the difficulty in sneaking past zombies - even in buildings - is tuned a little too high. Is it worth considering lowering their aggro radius/sensitivity or raising the stealthiness of crawling?"

"I can pick up various items such as empty Jack Daniels bottles. I suggest we are able to use these as melee, or even thrown, weapons. This would help new players and give them a survival tool much quicker, as generally these are easier to come by than a traditional weapon."

The OP in this case is pretty decent. But the reason people are repeatedly saying "OMG IT'S A GODDAMN ALPHA" is because we're all sick to death of all the unhelpful, pointless complaining. :)

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If I hear "but it's an alpha" regarding any game - not just Day Z - I'll tear my hair out.

We can still voice are grievances regardless of the development level.

You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that there is a MAJOR difference between helpful' date=' constructive criticism and blatant whining/ranting/bitching/mindlessly bashing a keyboard with complaints.

The reason people keep saying IT'S AN ALPHA is because nearly all of the complaints that get posted repeatedly are stupid, unnecessary whining - OR as posted as self-entitled, "give me this immediately, I demand my money back!" rubbish.

If people have complaints or suggestions they feel as valid, why don't they form them as such?


"I've noticed that the difficulty in sneaking past zombies - even in buildings - is tuned a little too high. Is it worth considering lowering their aggro radius/sensitivity or raising the stealthiness of crawling?"

"I can pick up various items such as empty Jack Daniels bottles. I suggest we are able to use these as melee, or even thrown, weapons. This would help new players and give them a survival tool much quicker, as generally these are easier to come by than a traditional weapon."

The OP in this case is pretty decent. But the reason people are repeatedly saying "OMG IT'S A GODDAMN ALPHA" is because we're all sick to death of all the unhelpful, pointless complaining. :)


But it seems to be the automatic response to any issue.

The vibe I get here is something you'd expect on Bioware forums.

Look, I enjoy Day Z and have had a blast the past three months, but it seems with every new patch, it gets less and less the game I once knew.

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I agree Hydra. The zombies need huge reworking and twinking. It is becoming far too tedious trying to prone to a building then having to stand up to get in, pulling a few zombies and wasting much needed ammo. It happens 90% of the time. As of late I've been sprinting into buildings knowing that I'm going to pull Zombies any ways. Needless to say I am out of ammo. LOL.

One thing Rocket really needs to implement is the SIMPLENESS factor. Not simple to survive and etc, but simpleness of the intricacies of the game itself.

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But it seems to be the automatic response to any issue.

The vibe I get here is something you'd expect on Bioware forums.

Look' date=' I enjoy Day Z and have had a blast the past three months, but it seems with every new patch, it gets less and less the game I once knew.


Fair call, it DOES get thrown around a lot. But it also seems the majority of complaints, the poster has made no effort to make their comments even remotely constructive.

The problem with that is, people get sick of hearing suggestions and resort to "Shut up, it's alpha" even if a suggestion is valid and well-presented. The community as a whole really lets itself down when we don't post our complaints intelligently.

But, hopefully comments about it like the ones in this thread might make people stop and think and post a bit more helpfully, both in suggestions & replies to suggestions. :)

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I agree Hydra. The zombies need huge reworking and twinking. It is becoming far too tedious trying to prone to a building then having to stand up to get in' date=' pulling a few zombies and wasting much needed ammo. It happens 90% of the time. As of late I've been sprinting into buildings knowing that I'm going to pull Zombies any ways. Needless to say I am out of ammo. LOL.

One thing Rocket really needs to implement is the SIMPLENESS factor. Not simple to survive and etc, but simpleness of the intricacies of the game itself.


Though I hate to contradict you, there are some things that should be made more complex.

Why only two types of zombies? I'm not talking L4D here, just... different.

For a while (before the no mak change) I considered zombies a nuisance. PVP was where I focused my energy in.

Zombies aren't that fun to fight. You just head shot them either and kill them all or they overwhelm you. And that's about it in a nutshell.

There should be less focus on ridding the game of "those nasty CoD players" and more on adding romaing hordes or different zombie types. Different ways that they would hunt you or you would hunt them. Zombies that see better in the dark, but not so good in the daytime. Zombies that are only active at night. Zombies that call a horde down on you. Zombies that roam around in forests.

PvP and surival is pretty fun when the game is difficult, but eventually you hit a point where the lesser elements are made annoying or boring.

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Personally I welcome change, and I think starting with no weapon is a good idea, but I don't like the new zombie AI.

For the first time yesterday, I played DayZ and actually got frustrated so much that I had to turn the game off.

That has NEVER happened to me before, it just seems no matter where you go now you can't avoid walkers tactically, it's just whether the AI wants to randomly target you from the other end of the village or not.

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Personally I welcome change' date=' and I think starting with no weapon is a good idea, but I don't like the new zombie AI.

For the first time yesterday, I played DayZ and actually got frustrated so much that I had to turn the game off.

That has NEVER happened to me before, it just seems no matter where you go now you can't avoid walkers tactically, it's just whether the AI wants to randomly target you from the other end of the village or not.


I don't think the zombie AI is that bad, it seems almost exactly the same as 1.6...... If you are within 20-30 m you MUST be crawling or else they will see you.

I've had no problem just crouch running everywhere, and then once I am near zombies start walking/crawling....

The previous patch was horrible, they would see me from far away through tall grass... but this has been fixed.

Also I love starting without a weapon, it DOES encourage new players to team up to look for something.

But I think either a) you should start with morphine b) make it so zombies don't make you bleed so fast, they shouldn't make you bleed out from 1-2 hits...

As it is right now, you aggro ONE zombie and you are going to die. No gun, take any hits and you bleed out..... It makes it literally impossible because zombies will follow you forever.

But at the same time, you can spawn....sneak into a town, and come out LOADED with a good amount of stuff.

I think it's pretty balanced for people that know what they are doing.....but for new players? Absolutely no chance.

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If you want to make suggestions go to the suggestion forum.

The reason I say it is in Alpha all the time is because people complain and whine about features not in the mod and act like it should be immediately. They aren't in yet because it is in the damn alpha stage and people shouldn't be whining about it. You should be posting on the suggestion forums of things you like to see in a mature manner of course.

ANd I don't feel like quoting 3 people in this thread, but lots of the stuff you guys "suggested" here to be fixed were things that are problems of ARMA 2. People tend to forget that Day Z is a mod for ARMA 2 and that many issues it has is directly related to ARMA 2. Not Day Z.

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Bitching about bitching: Double useless.

Regardless of what you think about his delivery, he has a valid point. Players need some kind of mechanic to defend themselves against zeds, and other especially other players. Sneaking through town for 20 minutes only to get capped in the head by a player with a gun, spawn after spawn after spawn isn't even good anti-game play. Its just troll fodder for people laming around the coast with rifles.

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I think it's pretty balanced for people that know what they are doing.....but for new players? Absolutely no chance.

I'm a new player.

I died twice since the spawning without a weapon was introduced - one was my own stupid fault for getting impatient & alt-tabbing while I was loading in (I think I got shot by another player). The other was having the misfortune to pull a zombie and his several friends before I was armed. Since then, I have stayed alive and managed to pick up some survival gear along the way.

New players have every chance, we just have to take it a bit slower, be extra careful and stay on our toes. It can be difficult, yes, but all these suggestions that it's "impossible" are greatly exaggerated.

I'm a terrible shot and I'm still getting used to the controls, but by taking extra care, I've been managing. It's not supposed to be a casual stroll in the park. It's supposed to be challenging. It's certainly not impossible for new players.

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I've been playing for a while, but up until yesterday I had not been killed since the no weapon change took place. I gave it a shot, and respawned near a gas station. Despite proning it the whole way and doing my best to juke the patroling zombies, I was spotted within minutes and beaten to death after a long chase and no luck finding weapons. I was pissed and rage quitted.

After a few hours away from the game, I came back and gave it another shot. Spawned on a beach near Komarovo and within minutes found another unarmed player. We decided to stick together for now. As we made our way east, we ran into two more unarmed players at the lighthouse and all sort of banded together unofficially. One of them agro'd a zombie and we all sprinted toward the factory in order to scavenge for weapons. At the factory we found two other survivors, one with a pistol and one with an axe, that helped hold the zombies at bay while we searched for weapons. I managed to find an axe, but by the time I got back to the group, most had scattered or been killed. I didn't find a pistol until hours later while raiding the Balota airfield with nothing more than my axe and a lucky frag I found in the military camp.

The point being, the difficulty of no weapon spawning seems more intentional than a result of tweaking. During an outbreak, not every civilian would have on them a decent firearm or even be able to find an effective melee weapon. People will die within minutes of knowing they have to try to survive, no matter how mentally prepared or physically fit they are, but if you're lucky and a little resourceful, you can find a way to get through.

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wow people need to stop with that stupid alpha excuse. if no one points out problems or their opinion then the devs don't know what to fix. its like some of you would prefer that there was no forums at all or something

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wow people need to stop with that stupid alpha excuse. if no one points out problems or their opinion then the devs don't know what to fix. its like some of you would prefer that there was no forums at all or something

There's a distinct difference between thoughtlessly posting complaints that benefit nobody, and posting valid concerns and bug reports that help the developers. It seems a lot of people don't understand that, why is why they repeatedly get told "This is an alpha".

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>No guns



>Prone'in every day all day

>Hey, I'm by Cherno!

>Buncha zombies, I don't give a fuck I'm on my stomach

>Ten minutes in find m1911, 6 mags for it and a crossbow with 2 bolts in the supermarket


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