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OUTSIDERS IS RECRUITING NOW!! (DayZ Origins) Heroes and Bandits welcome!!

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Outsiders (OS)
CLAN DESCRIPTION: We are a survivalist clan that does not follow either the bandit or the hero path. We do have sections and rules in our clan that separates each respective group for their specific activities. We do not go out of our way to kill people but we do what is neccessary to ensure the survival of our brothers in arms and ultimately the clan itself.


Teamspeak and a working microphone is a absolute must!

We are fairly casual easy-going people but we do have inactivity rules. If you will be offline for more then 3 days you must let someone know prior otherwise you will be removed. (exceptions such as hospitalization is more then understandable)

Age requirement is 16+ (Needs to be mature but have a sense of humour when appropriate).

We do not take ourselves too seriously but if a order is given by someone of superior rank you MUST follow it!

If its to chop 2000 wood then you do it do not cry about it as we have all had to do horrendously boring things as well (if not more then new recruits) for the clans survival.

FINALLY: Everything you do while you wear the (OS) tag is seen by the wider community and as such you must follow our rules and act decently to other survivors on our server. Heroes and Bandits do have a certain set of separation in our clan which you will learn about after your application approval. 

DayZ Origins Server IP:

Teamspeak: autunite.typefrag.com:4105

You must also submit a application to our website: http://outcast-dayz.enjin.com/home
One of our officers will review your application within a matter of a few hours (we are very active)

Heroes can only be accepted by Zippy or Danthehero. Some experience in DayZ is encouraged but noobs are accepted into the hero segment.

Bandits can only be accepted by myself (Punisher). The bandits of OS are extremely well skilled at killing. (Do not apply if you are not good.)  


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Any chance you can add me on either one these skype ryancollins92 steam ryancollins1992 or join this TS clanwarfare.clants.net ask for Ryan or Hamilton. thanks 

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Here you go, have a free bump for your troubles.  Bump.

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