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decapitation, put player head on spike

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I would like to do this ingame to bandits in Electro just so that they all know whos boss.

I wanna do it IRL too

Put their staked heads on sniper hill "Turn the fuck around"

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KoS to avoid server lag by people placing like 10 heads each. All those heads might look a little stupid. Of course a clan could place a head each, imagine coming across six heads in the woods. A good warning.

That's a bad way to go about it..

Then seeing 10 heads would not be as scary because you know an entire clan had to do it...

Seeing 10 heads without that kind of context is just frightening...


Here's my idea ::

Maybe the head is like a pet or something and you have to feed it and shit.

Nah that's stupid as hell but interacting with the head somehow would let the server be able

to pick out the heads that are just there between the heads that someone actually is trying to keep..

Like maybe you have to scare crows off of the heads and the server detects if crows are still on the head before restart

and if they are, the head is removed upon restart.

But that does still sound like a chore to do especially for travelers without vehicles...

Maybe after an entire day the heads disappear if they aren't tended to from crows...

Also being able to plant the heads on cars would be badass.

Edited by ZippyTheClown
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Anyway what game is this ?

An apocalypse survival simulator.

Death threats are vital for the experience like derails are vital in train simulator.

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An apocalypse survival simulator.

Death threats are vital for the experience like derails are vital in train simulator.

You've seen mad max a little too much maybe...

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Philosophy of KoS, Elektro Boss



under surface man is animal


I know we make our self separate from nature but we still animal  ;)


nature give us instinct of predator


is what put us top of food chain


society doing good job to train us and make this animal tame most time


not every time, prisons are full with guys who don't get tame  ;)


stop society stop taming of man, man going back to predator in no time,


same like cat born in forest no human to make tame  :rolleyes:




is fantasy think all humans try living side by side happy family carebear time no murder no rape no violence


we have all this shit happen now with punish system and police


take away this, watch animal return and put also crazy guys and psychopaths we have orgy of murder and death for sure


some gangs exist now, they are killers no remorse, have leader, have guns, have territory, have loyalty


you think they don't start to control resources and take best womans for them???


add to this convict murder rapist guys escaping from prisons


you think they don't kill all man who is threat after apocalypse  ;)





all you pussy guys saying 'KoS is bad for dayz, is not like real life things, please stop to shoot on us'  :huh:


same guys saying dayz don't need pvP, you talking coward bullshits  :D


you guys pray to the god who isn't there 'please no apocalypse' because you have big shock coming  :o


we are bandits, we come in many shape some rob some kill on sight some do other way


our play style represent those guys, the killers who EXIST, the gangs who EXIST the humans who society don't tame


we are the wild humans and we make dayz REAL horror game experience for you






is OK, no thanks is need for us 


we doing for pure fun  :thumbsup:   :ph34r:




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for those guys who think cutting off head in game with digital avatar is too much horror :o


read this story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24608499


point is almost anything is possible for imagine in some game will never make you feel same horror like seeing real thing


and even facebook say all guys have right to look if they want ;)

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for those guys who think cutting off head in game with digital avatar is too much horror :o


read this story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24608499


point is almost anything is possible for imagine in some game will never make you feel same horror like seeing real thing


and even facebook say all guys have right to look if they want ;)

I rather have them focus on something more profound and meaningful than horror movie gimmicks that add nothing to the gameplay.

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You've seen mad max a little too much maybe...

That's funny, because I've never seen it.

Are you suggesting simply hearing of the movie is too much?

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for those guys who think cutting off head in game with digital avatar is too much horror :o


read this story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24608499


point is almost anything is possible for imagine in some game will never make you feel same horror like seeing real thing


and even facebook say all guys have right to look if they want ;)

I think seeing that shit IRL, is sort if too much.

What if somebody finds they are developing sexual tendencies for murder?

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