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Looking for a partner/group for DayZ (or any other DayZ mod)

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Hi all,


Looking for a partner or group I could regularly play with on DayZ, or any other DayZ mod (my favourite is Epoch). I'm fairly new to DayZ (completely new to Epoch) and am looking for a friendly group to play with. I'm still getting used to the game so I may ask questions if that's fine with you... I'm 13, mature, and play 3-6 days per week. Other players that can be on around the same time of day would be best. I would also prefer that we used teamspeak for communications (I do have a server) over skype, but anything is fine. I live in Canada, pacific standard time, if that helps with anything.


Steam: Chamimnya


Looking forward to meeting a few new people!



Edited by Chamimnya

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I might be the right guy to play with you. I've played DayZ since the very first version came out, and i can teach you whatever you're looking for.




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