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Camera Traps - Surveillance for the masses

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Have you ever had a camp that has been raided? Ever wondered who the double-crosser was in your team? How about just wondering who the lazy sack is that sits back at camp eating all the beans?

Well with my novel feature suggestion these things could all be a thing of the past!

Introducing the Camera Trap ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camera_trap ).

With this handy device you can easily mount it against a tree and set it to work. Any assailants passing it's FOV will automatically be happy-snapped and you will now have the evidence to show to their wives!

I am sure a mechanic like this would even further stretch what is possible under the ARMA 2 engine but I think it could add some interesting elements to an already engaging mod i.e.: Spying on camps, capturing candid moments in the bush.

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And I would add the "functionality radius" crap.. my english sucks.. I mean, you have camera and some device for watching,like some "mini monitor",phone :D.. and it will be function in some radius of meters.. like 1 kilometer ?And it would depend on weather conditions (low signal) such a thunder,rain,sunny day,etc,.. sorry for english :)

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