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Beyond Banditry. F*ck'em. I win.

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I find a jeep.... driving the jeep I see a guy running and dying from Zombies. I save him. I tell him im going to pick up my friends and I'll shoot him if he tries anything. No problem. He seem's alright so I decide to go pick his friend up. I see his friend.... no big deal, I pull over to pick him up BAM His other friend opens fire and hits me. LOL. I nearly die, Fall out with broken legs, hop back in the jeep drive maybe a quarter mile, Bandage under gunfire, hop back in drive for say 2 miles shoot some animal's, eat a bit. I get back to mostly full blood and meet up with two of my Friends, Luke and Dave. We find fuel, Gas up and head off to the woods. I see another player. I give that player a chance "Dont move or I'll shoot. Im friendly." I Immediately see the player looking for me with his Revolver, he spots me and takes aim after I repeatedly told him not to "Fuck you" I thought and opened fire. They tried to DC But to late. I See ANOTHER Player, she's running. "STOP Running or I'll kill you. Im here to help you." She doesn't stop. I kill her. ALL this after Luke and I got pinned in Berenzino. Luke died. We were in apt buildings and a Z Aggro'd..... no biggy. Took the shot with a Winchester. The amount of zombies that preceded was astronomical, glitching into the building, glitching us through walls..... wow. I Survived it all with 2k blood. Got out of town found the jeep. What a night. I Love DayZ and FAIL ASSSSS FUCKING BANDITS LOLOLOLOL on US Hardcore 1 btw.

Lol.... those three bandit's man.... Why did I even try..... shoulda just ran the fucker over.... anyway I Lived. Hope they didn't, Scumbags. I Told him multiple times "Dude We can merge groups and get shit done" He seemed cool. That goes beyond banditry. Thats just fuckin Scummy. W.E. I'll still try and help people. Scumbag's won't break me. This is week 3 of me playing everyday.

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I find a jeep.... driving the jeep I see a guy running and dying from Zombies. I save him. I tell him im going to pick up my friends and I'll shoot him if he tries anything. No problem. He seem's alright so I decide to go pick his friend up. I see his friend.... no big deal' date=' I pull over to pick him up BAM His other friend opens fire and hits me. LOL. I nearly die, Fall out with broken legs, hop back in the jeep drive maybe a quarter mile, Bandage under gunfire, hop back in drive for say 2 miles shoot some animal's, eat a bit. I get back to mostly full blood and meet up with two of my Friends, Luke and Dave. We find fuel, Gas up and head off to the woods. I see another player. I give that player a chance "Dont move or I'll shoot. Im friendly." I Immediately see the player looking for me with his Revolver, he spots me and takes aim after I repeatedly told him not to "Fuck you" I thought and opened fire. They tried to DC But to late. I See ANOTHER Player, she's running. "STOP Running or I'll kill you. Im here to help you." She doesn't stop. I kill her. ALL this after Luke and I got pinned in Berenzino. Luke died. We were in apt buildings and a Z Aggro'd..... no biggy. Took the shot with a Winchester. The amount of zombies that preceded was astronomical, glitching into the building, glitching us through walls..... wow. I Survived it all with 2k blood. Got out of town found the jeep. What a night. I Love DayZ and FAIL ASSSSS FUCKING BANDITS LOLOLOLOL on US Hardcore 1 btw.

Lol.... those three bandit's man.... Why did I even try..... shoulda just ran the fucker over.... anyway I Lived. Hope they didn't, Scumbags. I Told him multiple times "Dude We can merge groups and get shit done" He seemed cool. That goes beyond banditry. Thats just fuckin Scummy. W.E. I'll still try and help people. Scumbag's won't break me. This is week 3 of me playing everyday.


Props for giving the survivors a chance to group up with you, most don't give people that chance anymore. Hope you run into some actual friendly survivors. Good luck out there.

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Wish you'd run into me, so far I've ran from psychopaths.

Me: "Hey man hows it going?"

Stranger: "..... "

at this point I start walking backwards, he aims his gun and I just full on sprint out of there. At a bullet but zombies kept him busy til I got away.

Turrible luck so far.

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Wow! Crazy story, I would to meet up with you one day. Im one of the few people that makes friends at Airfields. :P

You sound pretty cool and nice :D

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I always offer friendship or supplies but there are so many assholes that shoot you for near to no reasons, why dont people understand that teamwork works.

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What I've noticed is that if you have any contact with any player outside of Day Z, they will rapidly become your best buddy.

By which I mean -- bandits will do their level damndest in-game and, for safety's sake, in-forum, to get you to trust the wrong people, but once you get to talking with people in, say, Evil Avatar, or Gamers With Jobs (disclaimer: my clan), these folks'll protect their own, even if they don't know them. For Day Z, you don't have to try hard to get a good group of people together. Really, you just need to announce that you're in the game and want to work with friendlies. Outside of the game and forums, the sky's the limit.

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I Lost the jeep last night. Me and a friend were driving to the factory by Orolovets and a guy opened fire on us when we got out. We ran to the back not knowing if it was a sniper and the back was wired off so we were trapped. In that time the bandit made out with the Jeep. Also I had a man down last night. Driving through Im not sure "Dubrovka?" A guy opened fire and missed everyshot except one bullet that hit my passenger in the head =\ Losing an M4A1 CCO and a shit ton of stanag and loots. Im still alive tho. Been shot at 4 times in the jeep, hit 3 times. Killed almost twice. Still alive o.O Only like Day 2 now.

I Died =\ Berenzino. THey just kept coming and coming and coming. No time to bandage. Runnin out of ammo. Made a break for it.... Knocked down. Dead. =\ Noob Death.

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I lost my jeep as well, similar incident. My body which I had kept alive for roughly 2 days had been sniped in stary sobor, most likely for my gear (heli loot and so forth, all tools etc.). After re-spawning in cherno I knew if you run basically north youll hit stary eventually. So with no gear besides the starting bag bandage and painkillers, I ventured off in a full sprint.. After roughly 20 minutes of running along the main road with about 2.5k blood from a lagging zombie running faster than me hitting me until I DC'd to lose him. There it was at first I thought it to be a figment of my low blood imagination. A seemingly pristine M2 off road, 75% full gas tank all parts on green. Not a doubt in my mind someone left it here when they logged off, but I didn't care I was off with it as quickly as I had found it. I then proceeded to offer my friend whom I was playing with who was at Balota AF a ride, not only did he not believe it but he was ecstatic when he heard the hum of the engine cruising at 93km. Heres where it gets interesting apparently I was going so fast that the map decided it wasn't going to load the Balota medical camp across from the AF, I all of the sudden smashed into something invisible then the camp loaded around me. Trapped inside the gates vehicle still operational..I begin to hear gunfire as 2 players sprint towards me and I can do nothing but stare at my screen enraged as I was gunned down by 2 lucky bandits, my friend would've stopped them if he had any ammo for his weapon but alas he did not. As I frantically re spawned until near Balota he was feeding me the info that they had gotten the vehicle unstuck and were off. At this point I was infuriated and had given up all hope of ever seeing.. that was until I saw them parked outside of cherno one driving the other looting, not only was the driver so ignorant as to drive along the coast frequently looting coastal cities but he did it for 3-4 hours, constantly driving in dropping off his partner and driving off, I would take pot shots at his oddly unarmed partner to let them know I wanted vengeance. I plan on getting that vehicle back even if I have to ram it with my newly acquired GAZ and Bus, which ive been collecting parts in order to repair and have a fleet of vehicles. So to Man of Madness. You sir are nothing but scum, and this was my story.

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Lol.... Damn man. Yeah People are scumbags thats for sure. Finally omw out of Elektro. New char. In the firehall tower (Bad Idea) Sniped from so far it sounded like an arrow hit me, just Fzzzfud. Dead. I don't see the point in killing if youaren't even gonna loot. Just scumbag kids I guess? Scumbag adults who feel.... idk empowered? Whatev's Ill burn another J and hop at it again. STILL not a bandit. STILL not a100 meter 'warrior' I get up close and personal. Assess the situation. Neutralize all threats.

Only scared lil pussies and scumbags KoS. Matter of opinion and you won't sway mine.... when I Shoot first.... I become a lil pussy (it happens.... Not often but I get jumpy sometimes)

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Yeah srsly, fucking take my compass I dont even use that shit. Do you really have to waste 10 buillets to 1-shot me with the 1911 XD

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Wow, you guys are awesome and I wish there were more Day Z survivors like you. Man, if you had picked ME up in that jeep, you would have had a friend for life. WTF kind of mentally deficient sadist would do otherwise?! FFS.

These banditos need to get a real ass whooping. I was sniped in a rural field just north of the noob coast for no reason, while completely unarmed. I could tell who ever it was that shot me was a total loser cuz it took him a dozen shots to kill me. Lesson learned: don't run around in fields with no close by cover.

Tell me where to go, and I will eventually meet up with you and help you with some serious pay back missions.

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You know, I once thought another survivor (might be a bandit) is going to kill me, but she just pointed me with her rifle and left by running. I think she had enough loot and thought not to shoot me, because I just stood still.

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