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I cant find bloodbags in hospitals :/

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sooo... i do 100000000000km for a bloodbag, and all the hospitals in all servers dont spawn them?



did they change the spawn location?

Edited by Edoissimo

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I think they changed it in the last patch so hospitals actually spawn bloodbags. You could just be very unlucky.

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idk..since 1.8 didn't see a hospital..i've run close to it once while chased by a bandit so couldn't stop, but i think it had boxes..


now there is a lot of food around..you can fill your pool quite easily

Edited by Bludy

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I've found 15 in one hospital in 1.8, lol. You shouldn't have too many problems finding them unless you're unlucky and get there after a group has cleared it out.

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"Look harder..."

Seriously... last few times I have visited a hospital there has been at least one med box if not two and they contain bloodbags and antibiotics. 

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i can find only tin cans :c

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Pick the Tin Cans up. Leave the area. Come back again later. What is happening is that people have grabbed the "good" loot and left the junk. If you and they keep leaving the junk then there will be nothing but junk in the spawn points and nothing new will spawn. 

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now there is a lot of food around..you can fill your pool quite easily


 That. There is so much food since 1.8 you don't even need BB's.

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Bloodbags definitely spawn at hospitals, you're just being particularly unlucky. As said above, grab some of that junk loot and drop it a few hundred meters away and return.



Once when my friend was in dire need when we first played the update I checked the hospital roof and found an untouched box full of medical supplies, with more bloodbags than I could carry. Pray to the DayZ gods, it can't hurt.

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