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New Crowbar uses

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so as it stands right now, there is no reason to have a crowbar. Sure you can hit stuff with it, but a hatchet can do that too and they are much more abundant plus they chop wood. Poor crowbar has no reason to exist.

Also, I'm tired of assholes stealing my cars. You should be able to lock your car, just like in real life. However, players utilizing a crowbar will be able to break open car doors and thus, steal cars.

just something i thought up. What do you guys think?

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I can already open a car.

How about a torture function you rip their teeth out for information?

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The only thing is that shooting out a car window would be considerably easier ..

Maybe there could be off-limit buildings, that have thick metal doors openable only via crowbars?

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The only thing is that shooting out a car window would be considerably easier ..

Maybe there could be off-limit buildings' date=' that have thick metal doors openable only via crowbars?


In a zombie apocalypse, any building is up for looting, I doubt that there would be any left completely sealed by the time zombies completely took over. Now if players could board up doors for defense, thats a different story. I dont think thats a possibility in this build though.

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