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[] Direct Communication does not work.

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06/20/12 21:00:00

What happened:

I was continually attempting to contact nearby individuals using Direct Communication with no luck.

Where you were:

Walking down the road.

What you were doing:

Talking into my mic and in text. My friends could not hear me, and I could not hear them. We were standing right next to each other.

*Current installed version: (I had tested it on as well)

*Server(s) you were on:

Gosh.. can't remember. Lots. Seattle 10, Razor-something-or-other. Then a few USA ones. US 68.

Additional details:

I think this bug is why everyone is now communicating in Side chat. I have been killed because of Direct Comm not working. It would be really useful to see it fixed within the next Hot-fix.


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I had this happen too when I was playing with a friend; we had to use steam just to voice chat.

It might be server-side, but I really have no clue what is causing this to happen.

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This is bugging me too. I have the latest beta and latest version of dayz (all files installed and running beta executable). Of my last several encounters nobody seems to respond to anything I say. I've tried things like crouch/stand if you can see this, hail, halt, etc. I've tried voice as well as typing.

Because of this inability to communicate I've had to murder people. It's not good.

Without some way to communicate this is going to devolve into an fps.

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Just had a bloody mess because this ... but i do not really know what is causing it but it may be a problem on serverside.

btw: direct com chat isn´t working and also voice chat

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When it comes to voice chat, have you checked to see if your lips are moving when you're holding the chat key and talking? If they're not try setting your mic boost to max via the control panel.

I'm still looking into it but this does seem like a step forward.

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I'll check the lips thing but I've been having the same issue. My bro confirmed over the phone he was not receiving direct comm text or voice. Another time I was also in a group of 3 and I could talk to 1 guy with no problem. The other however didn't hear a thing. Maybe the code that determines proximity is bugged? External chats are nice but you're still always cut off from communication with a few people.

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Not work for me either and the lips aren't moving as I speak. This communication issue is killing me, literally.

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me and my group just recently successfully communicated with several people ingame via direct chat, it works well so far. seems to be a server issue.

i recommend to play on DE10, best in west.

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got a post in the troubleshooting forums but thought i'd post one here as well, seems alot of people are having this problem and no one understands why and it is bad because communication is a key part of playing this game, and if i can't chat/talk to anyone its pretty damn game breaking, i really hope someone finds a fix soon or it gets fixed in a coming patch. direct chat typing or voice is not working for me at all but is working just fine for my girlfriend who is sitting right next to me playing on the exact same server. so i know its not a issue of the server we are playing on because she can chat and type just fine. someone please find a fix for this asap

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