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Facts of patch 1.8 - loot is nonsense

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I agree there is too much food spawning. On the other side its finally posible to get some blood when playing as lone wolf with the mass food (ye i know you have to wait a bit between the meals).


So hard to get blood as a lonewolf ):

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I agree there is too much food spawning. On the other side its finally posible to get some blood when playing as lone wolf with the mass food (ye i know you have to wait a bit between the meals).


So hard to get blood as a lonewolf ):


It should also be considered that animals are much more scarce.

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I haven't found any weapons or ammo yet in my hunting stand excursions.

Been avoiding towns for now and focusing on woodland survival.


So far I've found a few cans of beans, a few cans of soda, and a roll of toilet paper.  And maybe some random junk, like empty cans.

Everything else I have is from the prior patch.


I also haven't played for very long at a time yet with the new patch, so there's probably not enough data points to draw any real conclusions.  Then again, I've never really had much luck finding weapons in hunting stands so I guess its working as intended?


Other observations - zombies seem to spawn near power lines now.  And are very aggressive and seem a bit faster than before.  But are still befuddled by hills and are easy to kill if you have the higher ground.

Found a couple different shotguns in deer stands in 1.8. Ammo seems to be low at the moment though, which I think is a very interesting take on it. How much ammo is around in the cities? 

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i agree with too much food, zombie apocalypse and going to the supermarket is almost exactly the same as before. also I think military gear is a bit too much, civilian/farm etc is pretty good as far as guns go, i've been playing for days and still haven't found an m1911 or a makarov.




zombies are fine, but they should lower damage slightly and make bleed occur more often. 

Yeah I'd 'kill' for a nice little handgun.

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Played a bit more, still haven't found any weapons, although I did find some shotgun and Winchester ammo. 

Which is good, because I have a Winchester. (still from the prior patch)


Well, I did find a hatchet in the same barn that had the ammo.  Hatchet's a weapon.  I guess I mean I haven't found any firearms yet.  And the only ammo I've seen is the shotgun and Winchester slugs.


Its good to have a hatchet though, was kinda weird having matches and a knife but no hatchet.  Now I can cook the bacon I have in my backpack from the last patch. 


And now that I see lack of animals mentioned in this thread, I think the only animal I've seen since the patch is a rabbit that streaked past and into some tall grass.


Zombies are definitely a lot faster and more aggressive than before.  Weaving between patches of pine trees doesn't lose them anymore, seems that line of sight is no longer the main factor of pursuit.  Got punched a few times by a few different zombies, and am down to below 6000 health.  They be strong!  I don't seem to be infected or anything though, which is good since I haven't seen any medical products at all and none of the leaves that can be crafted into the bandages.  Not that I have gauze for them anyway.  Just that one roll of TP.

Edited by Brew78

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Compared to Day Zero, it's like I hit the jackpot every time I hit a loot spot. It's wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much. I never have to carry spare food or drink now because I know It's all over the place. Guns are way too much as well - 4 assault rifles in a fire station? 2 GPS's within 2 visits of the same.


And wtf is with power line pylons spawning loot now (and zombies) get rid of that shit we don't need it (and the extra cpu cycles it makes) and it doesn't make sense to find car engines by them.


I get geared out on 1.8 in the south in about 30 minutes. That kind of gear is considered high tier on dayzero and I'd have to go north for it.


Please don't make the mistake of lowering it to ridiculous levels though.

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I don't know about the loot being nonsense. I personally like the direction this patch went in, no more M24's in deer stands, no more DMR's in firestations or hangars. In fact, according to Dayzdb, no more guns at all in hangars, which I think makes sense.

Animals definitely still spawn, as I just killed a rabbit and a sheep within 20 seconds and 20 paces of one another.

Canned food does seem a bit too prevalent though, hard to complain about though since canned food is often what slowly but surely brings me back to life after a near death experience with a zombie. Drink spawns seem to be pretty reasonable, to me anyway.

Glad to see the rolling change log saying that loot will not be spawning in so quickly in At the moment you can go from one barracks to the other at NWAF with very little delay in between and new loot will have spawned. Sniper spawns seem to be down though which I think in general is a good thing. Maybe too many M4s, AKs, and SA-58s.

Only my opinion though.


Still haven't found Comfrey leaves yet, I forget to look for them a lot of the time, but I really want some sepsis bandages.


Edit: Also, found a couple G36-sds but they always disappear as soon as I pick them up, I guess it's a bug and has been like that for a while, but will they be fixed and or removed altogether at some point?

Edited by dimitri3p0

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I agree on the food thing. Its ridicelous how fast i find food, with a backpack, it takes me about 10 minutes to fill it all up with food. I partially agree with the zombies, they spawn too fast and they deal maybe a bit too much damage, but at the same time its good that they are more of a threat.

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that is a great.fucking.idea.

Not really, the last guys to the party will have too much of a hard time finding food. I think this is a good idea if/when the loot is hidden around the house like in the standalone.

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