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Didn't mommy ever teach you..

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That it's not nice to block off church entrances with barbed wire especially when running from zombies! :(

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Your best bet is to sit next to the barbed wire and pray to the damn gods, and hope they awnser before some bandit armed with a MK 48 walks up on you and has some fun.

If you know what I mean >>

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those god damned atheists.

rofl, damn them

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yesterday some asshole blocked the entire firestation. And in the backdoor, he made a sandbag barrier... had to killz him.

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those god damned atheists.

LOL i'm an atheist but i laughed so freaking hard at this XD

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Who runs into a church when being chased by zombies?

I don't think prayer helps a festering bite.

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those god damned atheists.

I lol'ed so hard.

My mommy didnt teach me anything about surviving in a zombie Apocalypse' date='


Then she didn't teach you enough! "Parenting rule 765: The first thing you need to teach your child after they can walk is how to hold a gun, survive off the land, kill without remorse and trust no-one"

Or was that Taliban tots?


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