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Epic Epoch Private Server

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Yes it is, just type in Epic Epoch or the linked server IP and it should direct you to the server :)

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Added lights to houses, a excelsior bridge to skalisty, A few safezones, and currently working on AI missions.

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I think getting Admins that don't constantly spam the forums would be a good start.

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C.duck305, instead of making separate posts for every time you update something, I suggest that you edit your original post or one of your newer comments to add the information, and add dates as well for more detail. 

That way, it makes the topic less crowded and does not bump the topic as often--one bump per day please. 

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Gentleman, I appreciate the bumps... But I think I can do it on my own. Thanks =)

Not sure if serious... 

Anyway, if you want a successful Epoch server, I'd suggest running it bare bones and without all the 3rd party modifications.

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My server is looking pretty successful, I appreciate the tip but not necessary. Also, finally got updated to so if anyone wants to come hop on you are welcome to. =)

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