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Freeside Trading Co.

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Note to any bandits: you're perfectly fine if you want to attack. However, Ghosters will NOT be tolerated, and we've already banned two assholes who tried their hand at killing our snipers.

Have a little pride. If you're gonna raid a peaceful operation, save a little dignity and play by the rules.

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How do I gain access? where? when can I use the trading camp?

Server: "Freeside Trading Co 2"

Location: Devil's Castle

Time: 20-24 UTC Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Approach at a standing walk on the South-East road with your gun down.

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Server: "Freeside Trading Co 2"

Location: Devil's Castle

Time: 20-24 UTC Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Approach at a standing walk on the South-East road with your gun down.

Server: "Freeside Trading Co 2"

Location: Devil's Castle

Time: 20-24 UTC Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Approach at a standing walk on the South-East road with your gun down.

Cool thanks alot see you boys at the weekend :D

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do u guys want to trade 4 fn clips and 5 dmr clips for a cayotebag and maybe a m4 ? ( am offering the clips for the bag and the wep)

Edited by Chris23

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I'm interested in trading my AS50 for a SVD, got 2 or 3 mags for it too. Would prefer to trade weapon + mag for weapon + mags.

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Tents and Alice/Coyote military bags. Especially tents.

What sort of items would you folks consider fair exchange for those? I won't be surprised if Coyote backpacks are too dear to be for sale, but I just thought I'd ask. Tents are the main thing, next Alice bags.

Oh yeah, and depending on your usual hours of operation, I would loooooooove to join your organization doing whatever sort of work, I think. Guard duty, raids, scavenging, mercenary work, you name it, just so long as its not outright banditry.

Edited by cogwheel

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Going to check this out. I have a small guard of mercenaries who I control, basically. We all agree that helping people is much more fun than killing them, most of the time. I might hit you guys up.

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Going to check this out. I have a small guard of mercenaries who I control, basically. We all agree that helping people is much more fun than killing them, most of the time. I might hit you guys up.

Yeah. While other people post videos of taking potshots at people raiding airfields and call it an accomplishment, myself and my two friends actually like to sweep the woods looking toward the hanger openings specifically to shoot on sight anyone camping those treelines. We actually ignore the airfield itself, because non-bandits can find their basic mid-level military gear needs just from deer stands. It's very gratifying every time we send an asshole who thought he was safe and sound being a murderer from 600 meters back to the coast to start over.

It's more fun being a guardian angel than a devil, imo. A lot more challenging, too, because the prey is almost invariably better armed.

Edited by cogwheel

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Got a bunch of M249 SAW ammo now. Probably around 600-1000 rounds. Would like to trade for a Coyote/Ghillie or range finder.

IGNORE. Killed by hacker. Corpse gone.

Edited by Lovecraftian

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This is a very trustworthy organization. I organized my first trade with Publik and everything went as planned.

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I still don't entirely understand. What exactly do you trade?

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I still don't entirely understand. What exactly do you trade?

Just about everything. We have a large stockpile of basic to high-end of medium gear, a few high end items. The more rare, the more likely that you'll have to message ahead and/or wait a bit until we can have it available for trading.

Our mission is actually more so to facilitate trade than be merchants ourselves. As it turns out, having a dozen guys working together and with a place to stockpile loot does tend to result in an abundance of gear, so we do some trading ourselves, but our main goal is to provide a safe environment for 3rd parties to meet and trade between each other, secure in the knowledge that we'll make sure no one get's any bright ideas about having their cake and eating it too.

is there a way to check your inventory yet?


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ive been looking to get my hands on a M4A1 HWS M203. You guys got one? If so what would be a good trade for it?

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Very. We have a standard ROE and we will specifc to you in direct chat with instructions on approach. We never shoot on site, not unless engaged.

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ive been looking to get my hands on a M4A1 HWS M203. You guys got one? If so what would be a good trade for it?

Best thing to do is visit our forums and make a post in trade forum - http://freesidetrading.co/ .

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I mean from other players do you have a large radius of cover im just concerned about bandits sniping my player on approach

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I mean from other players do you have a large radius of cover im just concerned about bandits sniping my player on approach

That hasn't happened yet to our knowledge. Honestly, we don't have the volume of trade yet to justify camping our site in hopes of picking someone off. We would also be fast to respond/retrieve the body if one of our customers died or we heard shots fired near the site.

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That hasn't happened yet to our knowledge. Honestly, we don't have the volume of trade yet to justify camping our site in hopes of picking someone off. We would also be fast to respond/retrieve the body if one of our customers died or we heard shots fired near the site.

That hasn't happened yet to our knowledge. Honestly, we don't have the volume of trade yet to justify camping our site in hopes of picking someone off. We would also be fast to respond/retrieve the body if one of our customers died or we heard shots fired near the site.

Yeah, no, I dont know if its happened just wanting to rule out any threats :D

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