FFrank 18 Posted June 20, 2012 Dedicated to rocket and his helpers running this awesome mod;Please take a break from rolling out new Hotfixes.It's too frequently right now and makes the game unplayable for the majority of players. Why you ask?Because a lot (not all, but a lot) Server admins are not updating their servers right after updates hit SixUpdater/Launcher which FORCES us players to use the newest update. Unfortunately, Server admins aren't forced to install new updates in time. So there is no use for having the latest patch when servers still run old versions... for hours and hours. I mean yeah, now I'm always running the newest patch, thats cool and I like it cause its comfortable, but it's not that cool to be unable to play as it takes around 4, 6 or even 8 hours until at least 70% of the servers are updated. In the meantime those servers that were updated quickly are either being protected or impossible to join due to lack of slots.I know this is ALPHA status and I'm sure there are also some admins really caring to always update their serv asap. I just think EVERY player would benefit if server updates could be done quicker than they are done right now.Last 2 days were like this (in CET)Yesterday:Played a bit in the afternoon, hotfix released on early evening.Nearly no servers running this for about 6 hours. Unplayable.Today:Played a bit in the afternoon, hotfix released in the evening.Nearly no servers running this for about 4-5 hours. Unplayable, again.I don't mind if there is 2, 3 or 5 weekly hotfixes as long as they improve the game and performance, and I think they do! But if you plan to release updates that frequently in the future, please look after your server admins to be faster than they are right now. That would be very appreciated.Regards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Disgraced 1123 Posted June 20, 2012 Elegantly face palmed. If you would like a stable experience, an alpha mod of a game developing beta patches is probably a poor choice. Unplayable for you, a great gaming experience for me. Good luck playing something else!Check in and maybe come back for full release, or beta. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Knightmare (DayZ) 109 Posted June 20, 2012 Take a day or two break from the game, profit.He's fixing stuff. Sounds ungrateful to be honest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thealgerian 2 Posted June 20, 2012 Oh yeah, they should definetly have left the mod broken and causing huge fps drops for many of us so you can still play instantly -_-'No one forced you to update you know, i could still switch back between versions at any time I wanted.Hell, I could still play 1.7.0 right now if I wanted too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thygrrr 1 Posted June 20, 2012 FFrank, please, for the love of god, STFU. Fixes, patches, new versions are exactlx what the mod needs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FFrank 18 Posted June 20, 2012 Elegantly face palmed. If you would like a stable experience' date=' an alpha mod of a game developing beta patches is probably a poor choice. Unplayable for you, a great gaming experience for me. Good luck playing something else!Check in and maybe come back for full release, or beta.[/quote']Is this some kind of trolling attempt?You obviously didn't get the point of this thread.Unplayable in this case does not mean it was buggy, laggy, glitching, whatever. I can handle that and it's not even mentioned here. Unplayable means: You cannot play if there is no servers.I complain about lazy server admins which don't update their servers in time. I hope you got it now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlickShoes 21 Posted June 20, 2012 Just do what I do and when you are using the latest version such as set the filter on the server browser to only show servers that have that in there title, then you get a nice big list of games you can join that are up to date, easy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
radioghost 2 Posted June 20, 2012 Are you kidding me?This software is in ALPHA, which means the more hotfixes, the more bugtesting, the faster we move towards a finished product. You think that the entire game development should be held up so you can play an unfinished product?Spoiled. Brat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thealgerian 2 Posted June 21, 2012 Just do what I do and when you are using the latest version such as set the filter on the server browser to only show servers that have that in there title' date=' then you get a nice big list of games you can join that are up to date, easy.[/quote']Oh man, even if you do that, some of them are still not running the latest ArmA Beta version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Disgraced 1123 Posted June 21, 2012 Elegantly face palmed. If you would like a stable experience' date=' an alpha mod of a game developing beta patches is probably a poor choice. Unplayable for you, a great gaming experience for me. Good luck playing something else!Check in and maybe come back for full release, or beta.[/quote']Is this some kind of trolling attempt?You obviously didn't get the point of this thread.Unplayable in this case does not mean it was buggy, laggy, glitching, whatever. I can handle that and it's not even mentioned here. Unplayable means: You cannot play if there is no servers.I complain about lazy server admins which don't update their servers in time. I hope you got it now.Well, not to put to fine a point on it but yes, I am usually trying to stick a thumb into the eye of posters like yourself. In game, I am currently In the latest version, lying in the rain under a pine tree near Rog castle. I have been playing every day that I wanted to since I discovered the mod. I will hand hold you through. Hot fixes, as rocket has chosen to call them, or patches, deal with fixes to current issues with the code. They are released on a schedule entirely at the whim of the developers. We cope. We play when it works, and wait when it doesn't. I happen to be adept at making anything work, so far. Server admins ae usually doing this as a hobby. You see, grown ups have these things called "jobs". They have reasons for doing what they do. Perhaps they prefer 1.6.x and so choose not to update. It's their dime. If you'd like, please, grab a server somewhere and update it lightning fast! For me, I updated immediately via torrent and patiently connected to one of the dozen or so servers available almost immediately. After working for a couple of hours, I am back playing. Next time a patch comes out, do your self a favor and wait a couple of days before trying to play. You will have more servers at your disposal that way. I will already have two days of fun logged by that time, but that's life. You owe me two degrees of temp as I lay in the bushes responding to this silliness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pazuzu 9 Posted June 21, 2012 Just do what I do and when you are using the latest version such as set the filter on the server browser to only show servers that have that in there title' date=' then you get a nice big list of games you can join that are up to date, easy.[/quote']Oh man, even if you do that, some of them are still not running the latest ArmA Beta version.Then you simply revert back to an earlier beta version. I've had to do it a few times...very easy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thealgerian 2 Posted June 21, 2012 Just do what I do and when you are using the latest version such as set the filter on the server browser to only show servers that have that in there title' date=' then you get a nice big list of games you can join that are up to date, easy.[/quote']Oh man, even if you do that, some of them are still not running the latest ArmA Beta version.Then you simply revert back to an earlier beta version. I've had to do it a few times...very easy.I reverted to earlier day-z versions quite often.But not arma beta versions, I don't even know how you do this.Even so, I was just saying but it's not really a big issue to me.(also, i lol'd from your nick, some odd french gargoyle) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
worbat 13 Posted June 21, 2012 Pro tip. Learn how to manualy patch and not be a lazy bum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Horrendus 2 Posted June 21, 2012 If you don't like it OP then don't play till the mod is done. End of story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FFrank 18 Posted June 21, 2012 Elegantly face palmed. If you would like a stable experience' date=' an alpha mod of a game developing beta patches is probably a poor choice. Unplayable for you, a great gaming experience for me. Good luck playing something else!Check in and maybe come back for full release, or beta.[/quote']Is this some kind of trolling attempt?You obviously didn't get the point of this thread.Unplayable in this case does not mean it was buggy, laggy, glitching, whatever. I can handle that and it's not even mentioned here. Unplayable means: You cannot play if there is no servers.I complain about lazy server admins which don't update their servers in time. I hope you got it now.Well, not to put to fine a point on it but yes, I am usually trying to stick a thumb into the eye of posters like yourself. In game, I am currently In the latest version, lying in the rain under a pine tree near Rog castle. I have been playing every day that I wanted to since I discovered the mod. I will hand hold you through. Hot fixes, as rocket has chosen to call them, or patches, deal with fixes to current issues with the code. They are released on a schedule entirely at the whim of the developers. We cope. We play when it works, and wait when it doesn't. I happen to be adept at making anything work, so far. Server admins ae usually doing this as a hobby. You see, grown ups have these things called "jobs". They have reasons for doing what they do. Perhaps they prefer 1.6.x and so choose not to update. It's their dime. If you'd like, please, grab a server somewhere and update it lightning fast! For me, I updated immediately via torrent and patiently connected to one of the dozen or so servers available almost immediately. After working for a couple of hours, I am back playing. Next time a patch comes out, do your self a favor and wait a couple of days before trying to play. You will have more servers at your disposal that way. I will already have two days of fun logged by that time, but that's life. You owe me two degrees of temp as I lay in the bushes responding to this silliness.What are you? Responding silliness? Sure you're not PRODUCING silliness?Dude, I nearly began to like your own strange form of nerd humour but then realized how immature you are. "There is grown ups, having these things called jobs." and all the rubbish you were writing down afterwards.In fact, I'm Server Admin myself at two different, popular games. Sure, they're not in alpha anymore so it might be a litte less work to do there. But in fact I'm paying these servers from my own money I worked for. I KNOW what debts Admins have. Next time you try to troll in thread you misunderstood in the beginning and then trolling to make yourself look less ridicolous, do yourself a favor and don't try to act like a boss telling the kids what to do. Ty.________________________@TheAlgerianI don't think that would be in rocket's intention, if many players revert anytime the devteam releases an update they have been working hard on... reverting might be a way to play if you absolutely can't wait, but I don't think this is how it was supposed to be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sexacutioner 1 Posted June 21, 2012 Yea, I wish it was more like minecraft. Where he would twitter about games he's playing, parties he was going to, vacations he would have to take because of all the "work" he was doing. Then after about 3 months he would release a new block (16x16 texture) and everyone would go wild about his genius.Oh wait, no I like it better this way, with a guy who actually works on his game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KnT47r 51 Posted June 21, 2012 I'd like you to rewrite this and replace the words "player/play/playing" etc with tester/test/testing (as this is what you are - a game tester) and see how counterproductive this request is.Deer Rockit,Plz stop being so efficient in developing the mod so I can test outdated builds for you... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted June 21, 2012 No I would not agree with the OP. Ideally though, when actual mechanics changes are made(namely 1.7.1) it would be better to see less changes made and a small grace period given to test the waters and see how said changes effect the game.Whilst I do appreciate the work Rocket et al do it has taken a couple of hotfixes to undo some of the less desirable zombie behaviour 1.7.1 introducedAlso there was at least 30 servers hosting within a couple of hours so you are massively overexaggerating - plus I think it has been the best update since 1.7.0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redsh1rt 24 Posted June 21, 2012 Just put the current version of dayZ into the filter in your server browser and you won't have to worry about joining out dated servers. I only see servers in my list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xianyu 820 Posted June 21, 2012 Yeah, he can stop rolling out hotfixes when he, you know, stops BREAKING SHIT., broke the food and water spawning. Game unplayable due to slow, grim death and food wars., Game unplayable due to server restarts constantly happening because of a bug with the new melee weapons., game unplayable due to zombies all being injected with speed, meth, and adrenaline before being turned into zombies, causing them to sprint at the sound of a twig snapping two miles away.And now, we wait to see what broke. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted June 21, 2012 Hey FFrank, not raggin on you, but i dont really know what sort of replies you really expected with your op. When i have got home from work i have not had a drama joining a vet or exp server running the latest patch/hotfix via six launcher using the filters to find the latest version number, plus you also have the queue option, or just do what everyone else does and madly hit the play button until a slot comes up..generally under a minute. Unless of course you only play on a particular server and that one is not updated when you jump on ? Well then you just got to wait.Like it or lump it. Either way it is not really here nor there, the servers are updated when the admin gets time to do it and like the guys above said, if you are hanging for a game you can backdate easily enough while waiting.Or do something else :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted June 21, 2012 No I would not agree with the OP. Ideally though' date=' when actual mechanics changes are made(namely 1.7.1) it would be better to see less changes made and a small grace period given to test the waters and see how said changes effect the game.[/quote']In other words it would be better if this weren't an early Alpha. Except it is. So please for the love of god shut the fuck up about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted June 21, 2012 Yeah' date=' he can stop rolling out hotfixes when he, you know, stops BREAKING SHIT., broke the food and water spawning. Game unplayable due to slow, grim death and food wars., Game unplayable due to server restarts constantly happening because of a bug with the new melee weapons., game unplayable due to zombies all being injected with speed, meth, and adrenaline before being turned into zombies, causing them to sprint at the sound of a twig snapping two miles away.And now, we wait to see what broke.[/quote'] Unplayable ? 1.7.14 ? really ? Issues yes, but as me and my mate sit at the military camp outside of Balota on one of the US expert servers with Coyote backpacks, an M24, m16, ak74 kobra, bloodpacks, beans bandages, morphine, binocs,maps, matches,water and 60 plus zed kills each..we are finding it far from unplayable..harder yes..unplayable..no. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites