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DayZ Streamers

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Well hello,


Since I'm all new to the Dayz Community, I was wondering if you guys can share with me link of some good Dayz streamers out there. 


Thank you!

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I personally enjoyed SkinBintin's stream. Not well known, but very active.

Edited by Rage VG

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Well hello,


Since I'm all new to the Dayz Community, I was wondering if you guys can share with me link of some good Dayz streamers out there. 


Thank you!



Welcome, its good to see a new face in the community, and good to see eveyone has been real nice to you :) ,, wait , that reminds me of somthing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ku69cBwyeF4 ;) . I jest of course, You will find some folks have different types of humour. Welcome and enjoy your stay.

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xSmaKx is pretty good aswell. He's very nice to his viewers, and he interacts a lot with us.

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probably an unpopular vote on here, but frankieonpc and jack frags make good videos 
also psisyndicate reviews just about every dayz mod there is, so if you wanted a better idea of what mods/maps to play that would be a good place to start
I also liked seannaners' videos, only did one series, but was entertaining due to the fact him and his group were kinda terrible at the game lol

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@BlackDalia, thank you haha. You actually made me wanna watch the movie all over again which will be a good idea!


@Rossums, I totally agree with you. Small streamers can be good as well but the top streamers usually get all that attention which they deserve of course. I also like to watch small streamers when it comes to survival games. It's really just about the adventure and being able to watch another survivor's journey through his streaming.. 

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Not that we like to blow our own trumpet or anything, but we like to think our DayZ Live section is a good place to find DayZ streamers :)




We feature both popular and up and coming streamers. 

Edited by DayZ Intel

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Just want to say Sophia I like you avatar. TSW is awesome but haven't played in a lil while. 

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