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Map is too big?

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Dude' date=' when you start the game up...

Does it say "DAYZ" on it?

No. It says Arma.

I'm really laughing over here that you think that this game is DayZ.

DayZ is a game MODE that you can play on Arma basically.

Everything you do in the game is pure Arma, using the DayZ MOD.



Counter Strike !=Half Life

Dota != Warcraft 3

Red Orchestra != Unreal Tournament

Resistance and Liberation != Half Life 2

You are Dense.

I am thinking in terms of DayZ, you are still thinking in terms of Arma for some reason, no imagination.

They are some mods that try to make a whole different concept than the base game, which is this case.

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Personally I don't enjoy the "pve" aspect of the game. I don't see the benifits of grouping with a few other guys and building a jeep.

I don't really gain anything at all by having a jeep. I can move faster, but that's not really a motivating factor to me.

I'm a lone wolf kind of player. I'll scavenge off your hard work and I have no problem admitting that.

I think the ability to play the same game multiple ways is a great thing.

That being said I feel like if there was a legit reason for staying alive (like leveling up for staying alive while healthy) we'd see more people trying to survive instead of trying to death match.

Right now the risk/reward of playing as a good guy survivor doesn't appeal to me. Being on my own and surviving as a bandit has better rewards IMO.

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And when you don't understand something, you insult.

Thanks for showing your ass Kilt.

Bottom line: The map isn't too big. You're too lazy and impatient to walk around the map a while and find people.

Deal. With. It.

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Bottom line: The map isn't too big.

The map is too big.

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The map is NOT to big. I just logged off after playing with my friends for several hours. We have met or seen about 10 other players in this time, heard shots of at least another 20 guys and we were attacked by two players (one bandit, one survivor) who underestimated the strength of our group and payed with their lives after killing one of us. 2 M4s, 2NVGs, a Tent and other usefull stuff is now ours.

What is LACKING after the update are zombies. Before 1.5.6, towns were at least a little bit dangerous, even without other human players present. Now, you can just run through a town or village ignoring the few zombies on the way to the next house and then gun them down. This was at least somewhat risky before the latest update, and I died a few times to zombies.

After the update I haven't seen more than 750 zombies on a server, often it's even below a hundred zeds. The tension when you get to a town is somewhat missing unless you happen to run into other players.

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I think the size is good enough.

By the way, would it be possible to add something like underground tunnel systems? For example a secret military base with missile silos, laboratories or so? That would be pretty epic, and I already thought about opening a thread in the suggestions subforum, however I don't know wether it's possible or not and didn't want to open a new thread without knowing that.

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Map size is great how it is.

Im looking forward to ARMA 3 when it will be even bigger.

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I think I sort of like the map size to player ratio.

Right now when I enter a town, there's some ambiguity as to who is actually in there, if anyone at all. It kind of makes the eventual run in with other survivors all the more meaningful.

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All those action packed junkies should not play this mod, simple. I love how i can go 3 hours with no action and then within 5 minutes i can be chased by 10+ zombies, being shot at by other people to other scenarios. It adds to the game. The suspense is what makes me love this mod, even in the middle of a forest i am looking all over the place for a sniper or a random zombie.

That's why a REAL survival game is not made, because devs think that everyone just wants action packed shit( which makes sense, look at how successful COD, the new BF, halo etc... is) Its sad because peopel like me ( those in here) are not really getting to play any REAL GOOD games.

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Last night I was playing on US3, and it had about 20-25 people the entire time.

During a ~3 hour session, I had 5 *cough*murders and 2 pvp deaths. Plenty of action, really. It just depends on what hotspots you go to.

And it was mostly empty while I was travelling in remote areas, which is just the way I feel it should be. It makes the times you do randomly encounter someone in the middle of nowhere more shocking and exciting.

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Last night I was playing on US3' date=' and it had about 20-25 people the entire time.

During a ~3 hour session, I had 5 *cough*murders and 2 pvp deaths. Plenty of action, really. It just depends on what hotspots you go to.

And it was mostly empty while I was travelling in remote areas, which is just the way I feel it should be. It makes the times you do randomly encounter someone in the middle of nowhere more shocking and exciting.


20 minutes of boredom and running.

5 minutes of terror and what the fucksauce.

Just how Arma is played.

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The thing about zombie outbreaks is that they tend to have drastic people-reducing tendencies; the gigantic map and limited amount of players per server really helps illustrate this.

I played a game called Xsyon a year ago that had a somewhat similar approach, except it had a lot of players on one server and the game world, while large, wasn't substantial enough to properly convey the atmosphere described by the game's story (post-apocalyptic something-or-other). You couldn't run ten feet without tripping over another player's shanty town.

To change anything about the size of the map (except to make it even BIGGER!; "Map size too big?" "Bullshit! Go right to LUDICROUS map size!") would be astronomically wrongheaded.

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I don't even know what server it was on... I spawned in the stock bean carrier getup, just outside of Kamenka, and immediately made a bee line for the tree covered ridge with plans to do a little shopping at Balota, maybe even the big city. I was moving carefully through the area (not all the commonly used routes are covered in asphalt, railroad tracks or beach sand!) when I spotted a survivor maybe 75 yards from me. I went prone in some bushes and waited to see what he was going to do. I heard shots from a silenced weapon somewhere behind me and the survivor I had originally spotted took cover, maybe to bandage? So now I'm in the middle of an apparent survivor-bandit shootout, neither know I am there and I'm not 100% sure I know where they are either! A couple of minutes pass and suddenly I see the bandit running straight towards me from where I originally saw the survivor, but not firing! He didn't know I was there yet, but soon would. I knew he would fire as soon as he tripped over me so I took the initiative and dropped him. He got off a shot that made me see hourglass for a bit. I got up, started bandaging, when all of a sudden the survivor, I'm sure the one I saw first, took me out! He apologized in chat, thinking I was the bandit getting up.

The size of this map is *perfect*. Big enough to make moments of severe tension special, in an otherwise quiet and sometimes lonely world.

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I actually wouldn't mind the map to be bigger, but of course after the game is done I'd want more maps.

Chernarus is great.

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Bottom line: The map isn't too big.

The map is too big.

Well it's not like it's going to get changed anyways. The Dev's know better then to comply to stupid requests like this that take away the experience.

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Bottom line: The map isn't too big.

The map is too big.

Well it's not like it's going to get changed anyways. The Dev's know better then to comply to stupid requests like this that take away the experience.

And what experience is that exactly?

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Bottom line: The map isn't too big.

The map is too big.

Well it's not like it's going to get changed anyways. The Dev's know better then to comply to stupid requests like this that take away the experience.

And what experience is that exactly?

Sorry not experience , I mean the immersion of being in a large scaled map where if you aren't careful you could easily get lost

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One of the more ignorant posts to date.. Suck it up, seriously.. The amount of griping about trivial stuff like this is really beginning to bother me. Yes the zombie spawn is a little weird at the moment, but this is still an ALPHA mod. I don't mean to shoot you down, but live a little bud :/ The devs are working very hard at the moment.

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I don't even know what server it was on... I spawned in the stock bean carrier getup' date=' just outside of Kamenka, and immediately made a bee line for the tree covered ridge with plans to do a little shopping at Balota, maybe even the big city. I was moving carefully through the area (not all the commonly used routes are covered in asphalt, railroad tracks or beach sand!) when I spotted a survivor maybe 75 yards from me. I went prone in some bushes and waited to see what he was going to do. I heard shots from a silenced weapon somewhere behind me and the survivor I had originally spotted took cover, maybe to bandage? So now I'm in the middle of an apparent survivor-bandit shootout, neither know I am there and I'm not 100% sure I know where they are either! A couple of minutes pass and suddenly I see the bandit running straight towards me from where I originally saw the survivor, but not firing! He didn't know I was there yet, but soon would. I knew he would fire as soon as he tripped over me so I took the initiative and dropped him. He got off a shot that made me see hourglass for a bit. I got up, started bandaging, when all of a sudden the survivor, I'm sure the one I saw first, took me out! He apologized in chat, thinking I was the bandit getting up.[/quote']

You need to quote this exact story wherever someone complains that PvP is too hard. It seems this is EXACTLY the immersion into the game the majority of players are looking for.

(I would like to apologize to everybody if this derails the present thread. In reading the above, I felt it needed to be noted.)


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I would go so far as to say the map is too small. I want to see a 20km x 20km or more map. That would be awesome.

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We just gotta wait for ArmA 3 to unleash Limnos guys...

All buildings enter-able... 300 km square map.

I personally don't think the map is too big... Once you know the map, you'll think that it isn't big too. The illusion of the size is due to the lack of vehicles and low view distance, it makes traveling long.

That's what makes DayZ great though, the atmosphere, the feeling of danger in every corner and being forced to do choices that will make you or other people experience the 'feel'... Whether it's happiness, anger, frustration, etc.

Lets take a Bandit for example, he sees a lone survivor with a lot of beans and he experiences a happy and excited feeling with the wet thought of beans in his head!

Bean jokes aside - As he shoots at the survivor the guy, getting shot at, becomes panicked, the Bandit misses and feels the frustration (Due to the fact that one or two bullet(s) is/are enough to kill someone), then the survivor takes a sniper rifle out and kills him.

It's a change of sides now: Bandit - Raging. Survivor - Happy and excited.

These are some of the best parts of the mod, the mood quickly changing from one to another/the opposite. Punishment ends up with reward.

It's good at simulating the 'human side', whether it's the bad side or the good one. Other 'zombie apocalypse survival' games don't really do this these days... They're mostly just gunning down a lot of zombies with a machine gun absent a thought like "This guy has good gear... Should I shoot him or not? He probably spent a lot of time getting all that so maybe not, I don't want to be an asshole or douche..."

In order to experience this, I believe it is vital to spread the players apart, building up the tension whenever a guy sees another.

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