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Map is too big?

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I don't know how Arma's engine works, but does the size of the map affect the lag? Maybe map it smaller, less woodlands/plains, less towns, same number of zombies. That way the towns are more deadly because the zombie count for each town is increased and there will be more human interaction. Just my thoughts.

Also, if you need programming help, I could help with the zombie AI on my off-time.

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Please, no.

One of the things I love about this mod/game is the size of the playable area. I like the fact that sometimes I have to hike for half an hour to meet up with friends or that a trip to a destination sometimes can take half an evening. I like it that I sometimes can play for a long time without seeing another player in the wilds.

I'd gladly see the zombie population doubled, though.

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Please' date=' no.

One of the things I love about this mod/game is the size of the playable area. I like the fact that sometimes I have to hike for half an hour to meet up with friends or that a trip to a destination sometimes can take half an evening. I like it that I sometimes can play for a long time without seeing another player in the wilds.

I'd gladly see the zombie population doubled, though.


This exactly.

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It's fine as it is, it's not supposed to be crowded, loneliness is a part of the game. I'd love some new maps in the future though, or maybe an ingame way to travel to other maps.

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I'm not asking to half the size of the map or anything like that. maybe knock it down to 175km which is still huge.

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The problem with lag is that Bohemia's never been great at optimizing their engines. I remember ArmA1 was horrible no matter what system you tried to run it on. You also had to modify your graphics options in a specific way to get the highest performance possible.

Also, somehow any city they put into a game is like a black hole of performance. I mean, ArmA2 is a lot better than it used to be(way back when it first came out) but damn. It's still pretty bad :P

That said, the size of the maps is what makes ArmA so good. Well, that in addition to a million other fine details >_>

Here's hoping they put a little more effort into cleaning up their code and optimizing everything for ArmA3.

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The map size is fine as it is. If you don't want contact with other people you can avoid it to a certain degree, but sooner or later you are forced to go scavenge for supplies. Towns are already pretty deadly, especially the bigger ones like Cherno and Elektro. You are sure to run into trouble there, both of the living and undead kind.

It's up to the player how to survive. Raid outlying villages and farms or try your luck in the cities or even hunt other players for their stuff. Limiting the map size would only limit the choices you can make.

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Smaller? I say larger, to be honest. I'd love to see more and more added to the map, more area to explore, larger cities inland rather than all along the coast, stuff like that.

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Arma is about scale. If you want your small run-n-gun maps then creep back to CoD, BF3, or whereever you came from.

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Zombie population needs to be drastically increased, but the maps are fine the size they are.

I ended up playing on a server with 0 zombies yesterday, it felt a little odd...

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The size of the map doesn't really matter to the arma engine, what matter is the number of entities around, players, zombies, loots, vehicles.

That's what is really costing something to the server.

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I guess some of you guys have never played Arma before.

Quick lesson: This isn't COD or Battlefield.

Arma is large-scale warfare on HUGE maps.

Welcome to milsim gaming kids. I hope you enjoy it.

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Arma is large-scale warfare on HUGE maps.

Arma is awesome and the map is indeed perfect.

BUT! Due to the 50 player cap, this is not large-scale warfare at all.

This is not the mod's fault of course, since this is just the way Arma is made. It has its limitations.

But for a map like this, 50 players are waaay to low.

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But for a map like this' date=' 50 players are waaay to low.


Exactly what I am saying, and people are bringing up BF3 and COD for some reason.

Knock the map down about 50km, still more than enough for 50 pop

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I don't think you quite understand though. You can't knock the map down dude.

The map is what it is. It will always be 256 km. Sorry.

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I don't think you quite understand though. You can't knock the map down dude.

The map is what it is. It will always be 256 km. Sorry.

the map isn't even 256km......

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And making the map magically smaller will NOT increase how many players a server can have, not in the slightest.

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And making the map magically smaller will NOT increase how many players a server can have' date=' not in the slightest.


it could increase interactions.

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Again, this isn't COD or BF3 bro.

The map is perfect. In real life combat is 95% boredom, 5% terror.

Arma has never been for the impatient gamer.

Just how it is.

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The map is perfect.

The map isn't perfect. Stop bringing up BF3 and COD, I don't even play those.

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I agree that more population in servers would be cool. I disagree with smaller maps. I think there should be more zombies on the map anyway, so you will be "interacting" more often (shooting zombies).

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We all understand that its not BF3.

Just that the gameplay would not suffer if the server could handle 100 players. The map is fantastic and able to handle more players without it becoming crowded.

But since Arma 2 is not able to handle more players the discussion is pointless.

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