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Typical REVENGE Bandit Story! :D

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Well, i have a story witch happened the other day, on DayZ Origins. 


I was a new spawn, and like almost every new spawn, if you see someone with gear, you will try kill them with your pistol. 

But i saw a 3 man clan, all fully armed and trying to repair this ural. So i slowly snuck up behind them and then all of a sudden

the server restarted, so i quickly logged on, and to my amusement, i was the first person back on the server. So i took full advantage and killed the guy i was closest to when he logged back in. (I know, im a cruel bandit) But then his clan spawned in and managed to shoot me dead.

  So i get a new spawn, and funnily enough, i spawn 30 seconds from where the clan was previously at. So what do i do? I run back up to the same location, and i spot a firehouse in the distance, so i head over to test my luck on finding a weapon. I finally get over there and their is a akm with 1 round (30 bullets). So i pick it up and head back down to where the clan was STILL trying to fix up this ural. I get into the tree's going all rambo, i see one guy, so i take him clean out! Im left with 20 bullets and 2 other clan members, who are now on the lookout for me, but where i was positioned i had the upper advantage! I could see everything. One of the clan members was climbing up the ladders to try get a better advantage. Unlucky buddy, thats the worst mistake he could of done, i take him clean out also. Okay, so at this point my hearts pounding, and im full of adrenaline, i go and loot the first clan members body, and get my self a m4a1 cco! Not bad, pick up his coyote backpack, and go back into hiding. 

I finally see the last clan member, hes near the ural, hiding behind it. Im now with a m4a1 cco, with 5 stanag round's. So i thought, why not.. so i blew the ural up, the guy runs off into the far woods. I go down to loot the rest of the body, and the other clan members body when all of a sudden, i hear *crack* *crack*, which of course is him shooting me, so i turn around, run and jump into the sea, (Im on a dock). Still going all rambo on this clan, i swim back to the shore, and slowly flank him, going from tree to tree. I spot him eating, so whilst he was stuck in that animation, i ran up, with my pistol out, and head shotted the poor sod. 

   Not bad to say i only spawned in with a pistol. Im now fully geared, and currently fixing up a chopper! All in the space of 2 hours of playing. Not bad eh!! 


Im not the best speller, so i apologise for any mistakes. But there it is, my bandit story! 


I hope you enjoyed, and i will be sharing alot more stories in the future. 


Subscribe to my youtube channel, click the picture below! THANKS :D

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Its Magazine no round a round is a single bullet. Apart from that sounds like you had a great time :)

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Its Magazine no round a round is a single bullet. Apart from that sounds like you had a great time :)

Thanks for the input :D And yea, i did!

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