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SA Map port to DayZ Mod?

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I am almost afraid to ask this cause it might be either impossible/buggy or glitchy.

Might be a little bit too early for already wanting this, but I think that it should be considered IF it is possible.


Only the idea of having Utes as an island and new areas around Cherno sounds amazing already.

Chernarus is pretty boring at the moment for DayZ Veterans, and that boring level might be lowered if the SA map can be ported to DayZ Mod. 

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It's probably possible to import the map itself, but any of the new/enterable buildings will not be available in the mod until they themselves are ported in.  I would think that we'd have to at least wait for the Alpha release before anyone working on the Mod can even try to port Chenarus+ over to the mod, but it would probably only be a mater of time and some simple fixes.

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Not possible due to the mod being a mod of Arma 2 and the SA being it's own thing.

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Even if it was possible, the lag would be horrible.

Not like it isn't now.

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