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"SAFE" admin base? i dont think so...

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Heli's cannot be blown up by bullets. You need to use a satchel, grenades, or crash into it. You guys probably disabled the engines in all of them.

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*first post is you griefing in dayz*


you will fit in here just fine my friend.

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Heli's cannot be blown up by bullets. You need to use a satchel, grenades, or crash into it. You guys probably disabled the engines in all of them.

They can be blown up with bullets, but it takes an extensive amount. Far too many for any survivor.


How do I know this? Accusations of hacking came in on a daily basis on the old server I used to run. Why? Because we had the Knighthawk in the game, and people would always bitch about it not getting damaged. So, I went to debug, spawned 3 Hawks, 3 birds, and 3 hueys, and shot them with various weapons. I found that the Birds could be damaged easily with small arms, and blown up with a few M240 mags. Hueys get damaged/disabled by small arms, but take forever to blow up with anything less than an .50. The Knighthawks?... LOL, Good luck disabling it in the air, the only thing that will bring it down is a pilot shot. Even parked it can withstand 50+ AS50 shots without exploding, even grenades can't blow it up in 1-2 explosions. Mi's are slightly weaker than the Knighthawk.

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You probably disabled everything on it, but you aren't going to blow it up with even a Chinook mini gun, trust me.

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we blowed some helis haha check out the last mintues of the video, like from 8:00 we crashed 2 helis in the base

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