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Name: Pierrick

Age: 16

Location: Normandy, France

Headset & Microphone?: Yes both

Speak English?: Yes as you can see I'm french but I've already played with english players 

How long have you been playing DayZ?: 3 months 

In-game Name?: Bodhi

Playing style - Bandit/Hero/Survivor?: The Bandit's victim  I always try to talk first then shoot but most of the time it's already too late 

Other games you play/interested in playing?: Arma 3, Payday, Battlefield, Shootmania

Anything else you would like to add?: ... I'm on my last year of studies before my first Final Exams so I'm can't be on pc 24/7, I usually play 2 hours a day during the week and more the evening. 

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Name: Tristan

Age: 16

Location: US

Headset & Microphone?: Yes

Speak English?: Yes

How long have you been playing DayZ?: Since Origins release 

In-game Name?: Officepot

Playing style - Bandit/Hero/Survivor?: Hero

Other games you play/interested in playing?: Not many other title interest me

Anything else you would like to add?: ... Nope

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Name: Tristan

Age: 16

Location: US

Headset & Microphone?: Yes

Speak English?: Yes

How long have you been playing DayZ?: Since Origins release 

In-game Name?: Officepot

Playing style - Bandit/Hero/Survivor?: Hero

Other games you play/interested in playing?: Not many other title interest me

Anything else you would like to add?: ... Nope


Accepted pal, saw you on ts yesterday. Good to have ya

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Name: Henry

Age: 15

Location: US

Headset & Microphone?: Yes

Speak English?: Yes

How long have you been playing DayZ?: About a year and a half now

In-game Name?: Plane On A Bomb

Playing style - Bandit/Hero/Survivor?: Survivor

Other games you play/interested in playing?: War Thunder, CS:GO, Civ 4, Borderlands 2, M&B Warband

Anything else you would like to add?: Not really

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Name: Oguz

Age: 20

Location: Turkey

Headset & Microphone?: Yes

Speak English?: Yep

How long have you been playing DayZ?: More than a year

In-game Name?: Gray Raven

Playing style - Bandit/Hero/Survivor?: Survivor

Other games you play/interested in playing?: Battlefield 3, CS:S, L4D2, E:TW, R.U.S.E., WH40K DOW & DOW 2

Anything else you would like to add?: I love being part of a group, and the teamplay in DayZ. I'm also a good pilot, i think.

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Name: Oguz

Age: 20

Location: Turkey

Headset & Microphone?: Yes

Speak English?: Yep

How long have you been playing DayZ?: More than a year

In-game Name?: Gray Raven

Playing style - Bandit/Hero/Survivor?: Survivor

Other games you play/interested in playing?: Battlefield 3, CS:S, L4D2, E:TW, R.U.S.E., WH40K DOW & DOW 2

Anything else you would like to add?: I love being part of a group, and the teamplay in DayZ. I'm also a good pilot, i think.


Accepted, welcome pal

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Name: Keoni (call me John)

Age: 17

Location: United states

Headset & Microphone?: Do Earbuds and a microphone count?

Speak English?: Definitely

How long have you been playing DayZ?: not long at all... :( shoulda started playing a long time ago :P but im playing now :D

In-game Name?: should be FoxGamer

Playing style - Bandit/Hero/Survivor?: mixed

Other games you play/interested in playing?: meh, I play quite a lot of games, as for interested in, I'm open for suggestion.

Anything else you would like to add?: ... I usually use earbuds and a microphone, but I DO have a headset i can use if you want me to.... It's just deaf in one ear. oh and the mic quality sucks.

Edited by naxed5

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Name: Keoni (call me John)

Age: 17

Location: United states

Headset & Microphone?: Do Earbuds and a microphone count?

Speak English?: Definitely

How long have you been playing DayZ?: not long at all... :( shoulda started playing a long time ago :P but im playing now :D

In-game Name?: should be FoxGamer

Playing style - Bandit/Hero/Survivor?: mixed

Other games you play/interested in playing?: meh, I play quite a lot of games, as for interested in, I'm open for suggestion.

Anything else you would like to add?: ... I usually use earbuds and a microphone, but I DO have a headset i can use if you want me to.... It's just deaf in one ear. oh and the mic quality sucks.


Aha no problem buddy, welcome. Accepted

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have i been denied?

No no pal, sorry i didnt reply to your application. Accepted, everything is good. Cya in teamspeak, sorry for the confusion.

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