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Hero, survivor, Bandit

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I think it would be nice to see cities run by heroes or bandits. Maybe make it dynamic where there can be a power struggle. I think this would give players that don't like KoS a chance to have a place to play. Maybe if a city is currently under the control of heroes that any killing results in the heroes coming after you and you're automatically a KoS for hero ai until a certain time has passed or you're killed.


Ownable rooms in a hotel in city would be cool to. Give you a chance to play thief class and attempt to break into people's rooms. Of course this would get you a KoS if caught or surrender and be given a jailhouse ban for X-amount of time. This way you can choose between losing your equipment or being in jail(ban) for x-amount of time.

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/me facepalm.


  • Bandits are not a faction. They also kill other bandits, they don't really have common interests.
  • Define 'under control'.
  • There are no AI humans in DayZ and won't be any from my understanding.
  • Who secure this "ownership" you speak off. You do realise that without police protection only you can stop people from robbing you.
  • Who will put you in "jailhouse" ?

You are assuming that DayZ will have some kind of "gameplay mechanics". It won't, this is essentially a zombie world simulation. If a door can be locked in the SA it's because the game implement a concept of locked doors which involve a lockj and a key, it would only prevent players to open that door, it would not secure what is behind, or make you the owner of the building or prevent players to bash that door open or find another entrance.

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It seems you're trying to make DayZ too RP/Structured. No one should really be able to own anything, unless you're carrying it on you. There should be no factions, and the only justice system should be you, you're gun, and what you're willing to do with it.


EDIT: Wait, so you want admins to ban people from their server for breaking in to a building? O_O

Edited by Statik
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It seems you're trying to make DayZ too RP/Structured. No one should really be able to own anything, unless you're carrying it on you. There should be no factions, and the only justice system should be you, you're gun, and what you're willing to do with it.


EDIT: Wait, so you want admins to ban people from their server for breaking in to a building? O_O


No, jail could be say a 5min ban done by scripts.

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All the non dedicated bandits, heroes and survivors on this forum could group up and run a city :)

Edited by AP_Norris

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