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Coming back to play!

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Gonna start playing this MOD again....tired of waiting for the stand alone, and its been a long time so I'd like to start by saying "I am looking for a clan or people to play with". And yes!!! I've posted a thread in the looking for a clan forum! ^_^

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I would recommend this server for you, I play on it for some time now. I especially like that there are save bases. That are bases from which no one can steal you something.

The people are nice and helpfully, not all but most of them! The only thing u have to do is download DayzOverwatch via. DayzCommander.The DayzOverwatch Mod brings some new Skins,Vehicles,Weapons and Helicopters into the Game, its AWESOME :-)



Btw sry for my bad english^^ i gave my best.

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I am a head admin in a new EPOCH server, hosted in the UK. Since it is a new server there is no lag and the admin team will be able to respond to you quickly :) I wouldnt be able to team with you personally but there are other players on the server willing to team up :) 


Hope to talk to you on the server, If you need any help on here feel free to private message me :) 


EPOCH Server Details:


[RBR] Run Bambi Run! (500+ Vehicles - Self Bloodbag - AI Infantry & Choppers - Missions - Towing & Heli Lift - Dynamic Weather - Active Admins - SafeZone Traders - Base Building - Custom Buildings - Animated Heli Crashes) (
IP Address :

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