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Debug Forest Help!

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Hey guys I need some help. I recently installed the new update. I keep spawning in debug forest. I have no idea why. I installed it correctly I know for a fact i did. I spawn with my gear I had on my last player that was properly spawned. I then click respawn and I spawn back in debug forest with no gear. Please help me out. Thanks.

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this is happening too me too, tried updating with 6 updater and its says skipping.. also manualy updated and still persists.. i do get bad version rejected by server on most server wich is pissing me off...:@

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this is happening too me too' date=' tried updating with 6 updater and its says skipping.. also manualy updated and still persists.. i do get bad version rejected by server on most server wich is pissing me off...:@


That's because you're not running the beta.

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