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Jimmy McNulty

Create the official dayZ mod server

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The playerbase of this mod isn't as geat as it was, we all know that. People are scattered all over the place and it's pretty hard to find a full server. I think if the official server was created, by dayZ  development team or whatever, it would be constantly full. Maybe even two or three servers. Ya know, an announcement could be made, rocket or someone from the team could show on the server once in a while, some community events could be made or, whatever. I think it would be great, and it would work! :D

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I think it'd just be a target for Trolls and crybabies and scriptkiddies.  People spamming 'ROCKET Y U NO RELEASE GAME' over side (both voice and text) every 10 seconds.  It would be horrible.

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There are PLENTY of full servers.  If you can't find one I think your dayz commander is broke.  (or whatever else you may use.)

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There ALREADY ARE PUBLIC (OFFICIAL) SERVERS... Are you new, or...?

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