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Broken legs should heal over time (a long time)

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because thats what broken legs do :)

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Thread #7 about broken bones/morphine in the last 12 hours.

Yes, I agree with you. Broken Bones and Blood should recover slowly over time. Hopefully this will be fixed/added soon.

Now brace yourselves, "hardcore players" are coming and whining...

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holy crap there is no morphine in this game ive checked everywhere and cant find any and its dumb anyway morphine doesn't heal a bone. Also how the hell does a zombie shuffle his hand five feet in front of me and break a bone? wtf

I'm so pissed cause I finaly found some stupid morphine as I wen to grab it server kicked me for no reason.



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Do you really think you would survive that long for a broken leg to fix itself - over 6 weeks??

Considering the average life expentancy is 30 minutes i really dont think it is an issue.

You are better off chopping your leg off with a hatchet and then fixing a peg leg to the stump.

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you're more likely to find morphine before a broken leg heals.

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I'm all for this!

I'd say about six weeks should probably do it (assuming that you dont walk on it much or it may take longer). Should we make that six weeks in-game time or just six weeks real time?

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I think I would be OK with a broken leg healing over time, When I say this I mean:

Character must be completely stationary for roughly 5 to 10 minutes to heal a broken leg. Maybe does a long repeditive animation to simulate him cleaning, dressing and making a makeshift splint. for the entire time. If stance interrupted then leg fix timer is reset. and hopefull you can crawl away quick enough. (Would never have blood regenerating over time though, never)

i know it isn't "Super realistic timing." But I think five to ten minutes of staying stationary in plain sight of everything while doing an animation is a tough enough ask to make the player go "Should I keep on crawling to the closest medical area, or do i risk my character being defenseless and visible for 10 minutes?"

Because that, would be a tough decision for me to make. Do I try crawl into a city and hope find the morphine I need? Or do I risk other players and zombies getting the drop on me as I'm trying to fix myself in a stationary area for a substancial amount of time, clearly visible. But with the ability to free look.

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because thats what broken legs do :)

this is something on the level of that thread suggesting that we should monitor our "urges" and must piss, shit, and carefully maintain balanced diet in this game.

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