dgeesio 1034 Posted August 21, 2013 Hi guys I have asked this in the developer blog but would like to know what you guys think. Why does Dean not open the game to the public to help with development? His 5 man crew is just to small and we will not see a complete game for the next 2 years as they will just take to long getting a project of this scale done. I know he probably wants to make as much money as possible on the game and control every inch of development, but is that really worth the long wait? I mean Mr Isaac Newton lookalike on the last devblog is going to take 3 months working on the map. I am sure the public can get this done quicker. Dear Mr Dean. Please stop fucking around and open the game for the public to assist with the development. What are your thoughts?mr dean will of bean paid already bi will probably own the product now and they just say this or that. so it doesnt matter if it sells 1 copy or 1 million to rocket. im not one for hearsay but it could be guesswork on your part Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cap'n (DayZ) 1827 Posted August 21, 2013 I feel like your entire existence on this thread is meant to complain about the standalone. Rocket has more than five people working on the game, my friend. From what I understand, all they're doing is ironing out bugs and adding things in to make it feel more "finished". Oh, and all your posts, threads, and anything else is just a big ass complaint. I'm not your biggest fan, friend :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cobs 49 Posted August 21, 2013 I'm not entirely clear on how many people are actually working on it, but it seems to me that it's in Bohemias best interests to give all the funding and man power they can to the standalone, seeing as the DayZ mod boosted Arma 2 sales like 500%.In my mind it is necessary to get the standalone out as soon as possible with summer coming to a close and advances in graphics in the industry. If the standalone gets released in a year the graphics are going to seem a bit outdated for it's time, and those not truly dedicated will have lost interest by that time.Say the standalone alpha gets released in a month, will it be the quality be that what it could have been if bohemia lent maybe a few more programmers to the team?Just my thoughts, maybe I'm being a bit selfish ;) they are working on arma 3 as well after all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted August 21, 2013 Just my thoughts, maybe I'm being a bit selfish ;) they are working on arma 3 as well after all.Exactly, and you can't just grab random external programmers that aren't familiar with the engine or concept to hurry things along a bit, in fact it'd probably slow things down while they got them up to speed. Arma 3 is nearing release now with much of the work already done. It wouldn't surprise me if resources slowly get transferred from that project onto DayZ, in fact the timing is perfect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Razorblade2609 13 Posted August 21, 2013 The game will come out when Dean is ready....Go outside and enjoy life cause once standalone comes out you might not see the sun or stars for a few months :D 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Statik (DayZ) 2695 Posted August 21, 2013 I'm pretty wicked at making A2 custom ammo crates, so if someone from the dev team doesn't mind popping me everything I need for the SA, I can probably get an open beta out by the end of the week. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Jackall 55 Posted August 22, 2013 So Jackall - What is your top priority in terms of what you want from DayZ? It seems to be how quickly they can get it done so you can play it. Maybe that's why there's so many conflicting views here. I personally don't want a game "pushed out" by throwing either money or people at it. Every other week a game is released that has had many more times the budget and staff that DayZ will ever have and 9 times out of ten they're pretty forgettable and offer nothing more than a quick fix with the depth of a puddle. I personally just want DayZ to live up to it's potential and I think Rocket and the team can do that. I'm also happy to wait for as long as that takes. The dev team is currently fairly small (not as small as 5 peeps though) but that's what's needed at this early stage to put the basics in place, when they have that solid foundation and clear development path planned out they can then expand (which they will) to get artists/content creators etc. to start churning out content, technically that's the easy bit. When I read your post, all I really see is somebody that wants the game hurried along. Well we can't have our cake and eat it. ANY game with the sort of scope DayZ has takes a fair while to develop, throwing people at it won't change that. As for the actual "public" development part, well that's just silly for the reasons already mentioned above. DayZ has already made money for BIS, that puts them in a unique position, they don't need to rush. As fans of the game we should be pretty happy about that. Hey Fraggle Your the only one that actaully makes any sence on the forums. The rest think a question from someone is a reason to shoot them down and tell them what a big noob they are or that they are sensless. What happened to the days when people ask questions in order to learn. Screw all of you with negative comments and that cant actually just answer the question. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Jackall 55 Posted August 22, 2013 It's not a 5 man team. and to hand out the code would be giving away what bohemia has spent the last 15 years working on, created a hundred million dollar industry out of (ArmA, VBS, DayZ) Hey Dean Thank you for clearing that up, I didn't think the game code is at risk here as i actually thought the engine you are designing on is open source. Btw. the gamescon demo you did looks brilliant and game footage is really coming along. Just hope this network bubble gets coded already. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted August 22, 2013 Hey Fraggle Your the only one that actaully makes any sence on the forums. The rest think a question from someone is a reason to shoot them down and tell them what a big noob they are or that they are sensless. What happened to the days when people ask questions in order to learn. Screw all of you with negative comments and that cant actually just answer the question.Hello there I dont think your questions are the problem, rather the way you had put them across and reacted. There's a reason folk jump in. we are not all blind fanbois. Also insults like "Screw you" will not endear you to either regular members or us mods. Rdgs LoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mzltv 2281 Posted August 22, 2013 elo dean2rocketssinc ur noww outsorcin evryfin, id lyk 2 offer ma servciesive never dun mch artwerk 4 computa gaems be4 but am rly gd wiv MS paints an stuff like dat.c da lil portfoleo bilow nd drop me a pm??? ma fee is onli £200000 an artwerk thx m8 dis is james GANDOLFini loldis is ray meers in his nu hit filmdis is ray meers ridin a sharkdis is emma bunton outside THE SHORTDITCH in shortditch wiv pants on er heddis is me drunk bt dnt wrry cos i dnt do ne work wen im drink lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites