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Need Help! Looking for stadium/base in north

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Hey guys, I remember watching a youtubers video (not sure if it was frankie or not) and he was in a stadium looking building that had a gas station in it. I am not sure which mod, overwatch, day zero, etc this was added to but I remember finding it on the map once. I think it is in the NE of Berezino or up by Khelm. It is a large circular structure with only one entrance that can be blocked off by a bus. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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I'm preeeety sure there is one in Overwatch. No in fact, i'm 100% sure.

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Anyone have an exact location or know the video I am talking about where the youtuber is in this massive stadium (not the one outside berezinho) with a gas station in it? I think it was Frankie but I can't find the video anymore.

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Origins eh? I've seen it on Chernarous but maybe it was just a custom map? Thanks though man I guess I will have to keep looking!

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  On 8/20/2013 at 7:33 PM, Serious Stan said:

Its just south of berezino on the coast in the mod called DayZ Overwatch..............

Thanks bud, is it the one with a gas station inside the stadium/building? I know about the one with the medical tents but I've seen an even better one with a gas staion inside. That is the one I'm looking for!

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