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Outsiders Clan|Origins Only

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General Information:

Outsiders on Day Z Origins . we always meet up on teamspeak. Even if we arent playing the same game we still sit in the same channel

  • Social.
  • Friendly.
  • Always Happy to have you here.
  • We always play together, never leaves someone sitting alone
  • Great and friendly staff
  • Website: http://outcast-dayz.enjin.com/
  • Teamspeak: autunite.typefrag.com:4105


  • Age: 17+
  • Microphone
  • Having some humour.
  • Being able to respect the staff.




Leader: Zylon180@gmail.com


  • Leader: Zippy
Edited by OutsidersClanLeader
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Do U Got A Microphone?: A BlueSnowball Microphone I Got


Are U Able To Respect Staff?: Yes Im A People Person :)


Do U Have Some Humor Of Course :D

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anytime for you reaper poor bambie! but hit up the server dayz players always welcome

So Can I Make A Dayz Series On This Server?

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